whats the best guitar i can get with 800 bucks??

perhaps u would like to get a medium output pickup and then let the amp do the work on getting it loud?
if u dun whammy much get the ibanez GIO the get sum invader n some super trebly puckp and pit it in.
get some pedals. n ure on ur way
Go and try the Godin Exit 22 at Ranking Sports.. think list around 750, should be able to get cheaper after bargaining.

Khai, I don't get it. First you asked for a light guitar, now you asked for the best guitar under $800.

You said you don't want a Strat copy. ok

But you haven't really been able to convey what you want properly. What do you really want? I have given you a suggestion, the Samick GB CA2. That's a guitar that doesn't sport a common look.

Buy any guitar the fellow SOFTies and I recommend. If it's too heavy, buy a wider strap (ie straps for bass guitars). Still too heavy? This is my personal recommendation:


Way cooler than the Monkey Grip you find on JEMs. haha
That's Bumblefoot's old guitar, an Ibanez Roadstar (Strat copy). Here's a pic of the guitar b4 mod:


Then, he mod it to become the Swiss Cheese guitar! It's tried and tested by a pro!
hey wad do u guys think of J & D? there's a shop near guitar 77 tt sells a J & D LP for only $260 i think..it sounds ok for a cheap guitar tho the pickups are a bit buzzy...maybe u can get tt n juz change the pups to some dimarzios or EMGs? the gold finish looks really sweet n its not tt heavy

layzie10 said:
hey wad do u guys think of J & D? there's a shop near guitar 77 tt sells a J & D LP for only $260 i think..it sounds ok for a cheap guitar tho the pickups are a bit buzzy...maybe u can get tt n juz change the pups to some dimarzios or EMGs? the gold finish looks really sweet n its not tt heavy

Ooh I guess you meant Guitar Alley rite? I saw a J&D Strat copy with floyd rose & piezo switch. Selling only $395, quite a steal uh. But do you tink that J&D guits are good? Any parties wanna chip in some ideas here?
lol at that modded guitar! If I didn't know better, I'd think that's the pre-mod version..heheh.

yea, Khai, maybe you can buy a PRS and bash it up like that, so it'll be both unique looking and light.