what to look for when buying guitar?


New member
Hey there~ I'm newbie here n currently been searching online on guitar issue, as i'm new to this instrument n interested in learning more, n wanna get one to learn b4 i go to learn in music school.

So what are the basic things that i hv to look out for when buying guitars? What type is more suitable for amateur like me? I know nothing about guitar, only that i know that thicker strings are better for plucking, n thinner for strumming. But normally what do u people use? I feel strumming is like more common used right?? Pls advise me~ GREATLY appreciated~! :D
This is tough qn man~

but one advice: get what you feel is right for you, that's one thing u can't go wrong.

other technical stuffs, i guess there's lotsa friendly ppl that will explain to ya soon.
price, feel, like, sound

get something cheap first then slowly upgrade. yup better than buying so expensive then u give up
when buying a guitar, it's good to check for:


i wouldn't advice any beginners to grab the cheapest electric guitar on the racks because that guideline is too simplistic. if you are about to enbrace the electric, invest in something that propels you to play better.

it also helps to ask a friend who is in the know to help you check on the instrument itself before you part with cash 8)
do take note that if ur going the electric route u haf to get an amp too.. which is $$ AND a good amp can make a bad guitar sound great but a good guitar on a bad amp sounds totally lousy.

This said my advice if u wanna go electric and STICK TO IT is splurge on a good guitar first then save up for an amp and subsequently ur effects.
BUT if you are unsure, then don't splurge cash, get something decent first, J & Ds, Craftsmans, epiphones, and samicks are good starter guitars

imo, best to get a new 1 from a reputable shop and get them to go through with you how to maintain and keep its etc, because 2nd hand if its spoilt, well, got too many problems to list
:o wow~ soo many things to look out....manx...i'm confused... but i def will take note of the things ur have given me~which is valuable. I guess i hv to find someone who hv some idea of it to accomp me go n get it den....what abt the average price for a normal acoustic guitar?100-200?

and whats the difference between classical and folk guitar? I heard from my fren that folk is better for plucking while classical is better for strumming? But for a beginner like me, i feel like strumming is more fun...but does it mean i cant pluck if i use classical guitar?or the sound might not be so crispy than folks?

sorry to include that i'm interested in playing acoustic guitar than electric, as i was planning to learn hw to play n go on with my singuitar course if i ever make it there~ hee.. :P
hmmm, anw ur friend got it wrong, its classical guitar for plucking, and folk or more commonly known as acoustic guitar, for strumming

well imho, i've never heard any nice and rich sounding acoustic guitar below $200, or 1 with well placed frets
hahaha...or mayb i got it wrong...haha...then whats the price range like? i have a tight budget...guess to learn music is to really invest alot in it huh?

any good recommnedations where to get reasonable price range of guitars?
make a trip to guitar haven in penisular/excelsior hotel BASEMENT, check out Maestro guitars, Luthermusic, and Davis, brands to look out for are maestro, yamaha, and applause

if you come across this very cheap guitar brand KAPOK, don't buy, it doesn't stay in tune most of the time, and it comes wound with the wrong type of strings, the money you 'save' from buying this guitar is money wasted
oh thank you soo much~ but is the others ex? ard wat range? I know its really hard to get those that r cheap yet nice sound...but for those brands u mention, ard what px?

n when i'm at the shop, since i dun hv any guitar bkgrd, wat shld i look for other than the sound? Ermm do i hv to chk whether when i play wif my fingers, hw do i noe the feel is right?? haha..manx..this is silly... :lol:
For acoustic guitar, you should go preferably go for one with a solid top as the sound will mature (and grow on you) over time.

On a budget, do check out the canadian made Art & Luthiere guitar. There's a review here: http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data4/Art___Lutherie/Cedar-1.html
(There are tonnes of reviews on the website that may be useful for your research)

Got one more than a year ago for about $300, dunno what's the latest price now. Check it out either in the basement guitar shop in Parklane shopping centre or basement shop (opp Guitar 77) in Excelsior or Ranking sport in Bras Basah complex.

Do bring along an experienced guitarist friend as they are other individual guitar-specific considerations (other than budget, brand and cosmetic appearance) when looking for a guitar since as:
1. Sound projection
2. Neck condition
3. String Action (can be adjust at a cost, save some money if you buy one with good action)
etc ...

And if you settle on a particular brand/model ... dun just play one ... preferably play a few that are available in the shop as condition do differ guitar to guitar.

Have fun finding THAT guitar
hey thanks alot for the advice, i will take careful notice of those which are mentioned...i guess i have to find out more b4 i invest in one...n hopefully let it GROW in me....haa~ any more advice would be welcome n appreciated~! As i still wan different opinions n comments on the acoutsitc, which i think i most likely going to get. Thanks guys~! :D
ahlek said:
For acoustic guitar, you should go preferably go for one with a solid top as the sound will mature (and grow on you) over time.

Do bring along an experienced guitarist friend as they are other individual guitar-specific considerations (other than budget, brand and cosmetic appearance) when looking for a guitar since as:
1. Sound projection
2. Neck condition
3. String Action (can be adjust at a cost, save some money if you buy one with good action)
etc ...

Have fun finding THAT guitar

eh i dun understand the action part....refering to the stretchability of the string?
so u mean the higher the better or vice versa?

the string shld be thick or thin? i heard that thin is when plucking the sound is sharper, n strumming a thicker one would be better?
jeremyrozario said:
hmmm, anw ur friend got it wrong, its classical guitar for plucking, and folk or more commonly known as acoustic guitar, for strumming

well imho, i've never heard any nice and rich sounding acoustic guitar below $200, or 1 with well placed frets

why does classical guitar for plucking n acoustic for strumming?
Aviawind said:
why does classical guitar for plucking n acoustic for strumming?

Quite a substantial portion of classical techniques involve plucking. Also, it's easier on the fingers cuz of the nylon strings, which dont chafe your fingers as badly as steel strings on an acoustic do. The sound you get from a classical is also quite different as compared to an acoustic.

Acoustics on the other hand have an "edgier" sound than classicals, and thus are more suited, tone-wise to strumming.

You can however, pluck/pick and strum just as effectively on both.
i read somewhere that some ppl recom that its better to start from classical guitar then later to acoustic? does it make a difference :?:
Aviawind said:
i read somewhere that some ppl recom that its better to start from classical guitar then later to acoustic? does it make a difference :?:

Nah, not really. It's just a matter of personal prefernce for genre and playing style.