What Should I say to this ?

Aiyah.. very easy... u use an acoustic guitar... ask him show up and play music in a park or somewhere... then without a power source... u ask him.. how useful is the electone now.. and u can proceed to play some stuff and ask him to shaddup now..
ever pass by davis and see the real dramatic guitars at the glass display?
they have some really sharp and br00tal looking axes for your really really last resort:twisted::twisted::twisted:
I have no real reason to be defensive seeing as how i'm not a guitarist and all, but yeah, i really have to say that dude is a true-blue w*****.
Find a sexy chio bu friend of yours to hang out one day with you and your friend. Keep getting her to talk all day about how sexy guitar is. When your friend talks about his electone, get your sexy chio bu friend to roll her eyes at him and then walk away with you(preferably in the direction of a Hotel 81).
again, as an electone player and also a guitarist, i somehow have to side a little on the electone in this thread because it's like being despised or compared as inferior.
i must say the electone is as ingenius as any other musical instrument including the guitar. every musical instrument would have it's own history and supporters, and it's simply not meant to be compared like that.

The main thing that's wrong here is not the electone or the guitar, it's the TS' dickhead friend, and maybe a little due to the TS' reaction. sometimes dickheads just love to annoy more when the person they annoy gets annoyed, somewhat like trolls in forums...
so the best way is to ignore your friend, instead of degrading any musical instruments or yourself.
I think the real problem here is that the TS is 18 yet he still feels the need to make a post like this. I think he knows the exact reaction he's going to invoke and he's now reveling in all the e-rage he has caused.
Haiya, rebutt him for what? Ignore him loh, he's trying to be a jackass. He can continue to make out with his gaylectone while you continue to rock out on your guitar yeah? ;)

Cheers ;)