what should i get then?


New member
i've a m-audio 2496..theres no mic preamp so i cant connect a microphone..planning to buy SM57..so how do i go about it? i dont quite understand the connections? should i buy a mixer then connect to my soundcard or get a mic preamp? im looking for a budget alternatives but still good.

Thankx guys :)
You don't need a mic preamp for SM 57. Unless you plan on using a condensor mic, you actually don't need a mic preamp at all.

Problem with your soundcard is that it's limited in connection. The only way I can think of is to get yourself an xlr cable for the mic and connect teh set up using an xlr-rca adaptor. Will not be a balanced connection though.
You don't need a mic preamp for SM 57. Unless you plan on using a condensor mic, you actually don't need a mic preamp at all. - THOA

You do need a mic pre for an SM 57 or any other microphone.

Hi mildtwist, i found a similar question on this site.

These were the suggestions (exactly as what Mr.Soft has mentioned, it's good advice)

You can do this in various ways. A) Get a small mixer. B) Replace the 2496 with an audio interface that has some mic pres on it. C) Add an inexpensive Mic pre.