What should i do next???


New member
Hi guys

I'm a late starter of gig, now i know how to strum pretty well (as long as I know the chords) and i know all the 5 positions of penatonic scales (try to play along with music)...

But, what should i do next? As in practise/train on?

How do I make those scales sound different? Like those rockers who can just pick up their gig and play anything yet sound damn cool??

squeeze all you can from the pentatonic scale. learn licks. you can add notes to the pentatonic scale, the 'blue' note for example. learn from bbking and mix the major and minor pent together.

learn the natural major minor and move on to the relative modes.
Its time to switch .....
gizer said:
Hi guys

I'm a late starter of gig, now i know how to strum pretty well (as long as I know the chords) and i know all the 5 positions of penatonic scales (try to play along with music)...

there's so many other scales for you to learn.
there's so many other genre for you to learn.
there's so many player style for you to learn.

I have to say that when starting out with guitar, it's all about the RHYTHM.

So I'd suggest that you dun need to focus on the lead playing for now.. what's more important is that you can play in time and hold the rhythm down well.

I mean put it this way: you cna have all the techniques and tricks etc but if you can't even play in time or with a groupd of fellow players, isn't it all for nth?
tune your guitar to any open tuning and then figure out the chords
i did that when i was super bored with my axe :lol:

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! :smt042

gosh ur pics are so..LMAO!!!!!!!!