What pedals do you use?


New member
hehe.. another GAS-sy thread.. aniwae was wondering wat sort of pedals u guys use (i.e. sequence of pedals)

here's mine (for now)
boss cs-3 --> crybaby wah --> vs route 66 --> boss sd-1 --> boss ds-1 --> boss ge-7 --> vs H20 --> boss ns-2--> ibanez em-5 echomachine

so wat do the rest of u have?

Gas-ing for a Rat2 now.. haha
boss tu-2 -> keeley compressor -> sansamp gt-2 -> keeley ds-1 ultra -> dd-3

if only i had a mesa dual rect.....then ill be using only compressor with delay and maybe a wah hahahahah
DoubleBlade said:
pardon my ignorance...what does GAS mean? Guitar Accessories Section?

It stands for Gear Acquisition Syndrome. It is a mental illness - an affliction that is essentially an obsessive compulsive disorder whereby the sufferer *must* go out and buy new music equipment. Reported cases surface more often around the release of the Guitar World Buyers Guide hitting the newsstands (the one with the bikini chicks).
Usually, none - Guitar -> cord -> amp, but I do occasionally use an RV5 reverb or DD6 delay. I have an EQ pedal and an overdrive too. Might get a V-Twin.
Here goes mine:

guitar-->(Loooper [A/B/Y switching device])-->(DD6 Digital Delay)-->amp
-->"Channel A" (Jim Dunlop Crybaby)-->(Boss TR2 Tremolo)
-->"Channel B" (RAT2-->Boss MT2 Metal Zone-->Boss BF2 Flanger)
Guitar --> Vox Wah --> DOD 250 --> Boss DS-1 -- > Tech 21 Sansamp Tri-A.C. --> Boss DD-3 --> Boss NS-2 --> Amp(effects return, power amp section only)
hijack this thread a lil.

If you wanna change "What pedals do you use?" to "What pedals do you want to use?", be sure to check out the TAGS show on Sat 21 May at the Substation Gallery. :D
Not really very elaborate sounding. The DD-3 is there to add the roominess, ambience. I absolutely dislike playing dry. For the actual amp tone, comes from the Tri A.C., with 1 setting on a classic British, 1 on a Mesa style, and another on British clean, all on moderate gain, boosted with the DOD250. Noise level is relatively low even without the NS-2 on. So that's basically it :D I'd like it to be more elaborate but oh well, can't afford anything else at the moment.
atm, when i play at home i connect my guitar into my computer and use a program called guitar fxbox, and then out to my amp

it works but then you gotta press the keyboard to change effects :wink:
haha.. its alright.. hijack all u want.. ahah.. if u rearrange TAGS, u get GAS Temptation.. haha.. tink im being too lame here.. still waiting for the true bypass looper from MRMISSE.. :P

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