what is your fav pick?

Whoa, 50-75 US dollars... And I thought V-picks were expensive! :p

Forgot to add that I have a V-pick light. Still loving it, even the light is super thick, but it is actually easier on the strings than any of my Jazz IIIs and Jazz III XLs because the edge is not as sharp. Seems to produce more bass and mids actually. It's the most expensive pick I have, but I guess even though I'm using Tortex almost all the time, my V-pick is the most valuable. The Tortexes are... disposable. :p
hmmm as much as i like the edge of the v-pick, i am very skeptical abt its grip...i'm using the standard and small but both slip pretty easily for me. i have a sandpaper glued to my v-pick as well but i cant use it to strum anyway so it rarely gets used -_-
Could never gelled with my V-Picks. Gave 3 of it away. Another one to be given with the guitar I'm selling.

I use those thumb size Stubby picks. Best pick for me!
The Blue Chip picks are priced pretty absurdly. But oh well..

I know a couple more "boutique" picks.

Wegen is a pretty common and popular one I could never bond with. Its just something with super thick picks I just can't get.

The other one is Red Bear picks, they claim to make the best subsitute for tortoise shell picks. Silly money really all of them.. But I guess once you get hooked you can't go back. I have had my share of shelling out ridiculous money for things that I'm not proud of.
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All these talk here made me tempted to Gas even for picks.. ):
Just got a jazz 3 and my fren got me a fingerpick hope they are good (:
Currently using this small blacktop dunlop pick, thickness depending as i bought a few different ones to try. Kinda liked them.
Anyone too?