is john petrucci a better guitarist than me?
its difficult to judge when we are at different levels of experience and skill. a good guitarist is always willing to learn, and even more willing to practice. knows how to learn.
a good guitarist will be a nice person and respect those better than him.
a good guitarist is concerned about his audience and what they are listening to, first and foremost. "is my tone too ear piercing?" "does the solo have too many notes? am i adding enough space?" "are they having a good time?"
last but not least, this is personal, but i always believed a good guitarist must have his own tone. tone speaks so so much. the moment i think of EJ, i think of that silky smooth yet piercing and blooming notes of his solos. and who can ever point a finger at david gilmour for having slow fingers? his tone is just out of this world.
in any youtube video too, the moment i hear lousy quality tone, i close the window immediately. i dont bother about the player, what chops he has, etc. that is how much tone means to me, dont know about you guys!