What is the true definition of a good guitarist

I'm no guitarist, but my favorite guitarists are always the ones who can make me cry with their playing. When someone starts playing a solo and you feel the notes hit you right in your soul, you know he's good.
I'm no guitarist, but my favorite guitarists are always the ones who can make me cry with their playing. When someone starts playing a solo and you feel the notes hit you right in your soul, you know he's good.

Yeah true, true, not as in really cry but you can feel the strength and power of his solos and it can even sing with the rhythm of the song. Some even regard their solos as a form of art. Now thats "good".
a good guitarist is someone who doesn't care what others thinks of his playing and only plays because he is driven by his love for guitar and music. and of course have some acceptable level of techincal competence.
A good guitarist,is someone who plays for himself first,and enjoy what is he playing.Only would the music then sound terrific to all parties.A good guitarist,is someone who is able to improvise tastefully on the spot,without hesitation or mistakes.
A good guitarist,puts his whole heart and soul,in producing music :)
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Well .. . A Good Guitarist is one that don't do Bad things.
ok. ok. .. juz kidding.
A good guitarist should produce tones that makes his audiences immersed into his music.
Oh . .. having read all the previous posts, it is so diificult to be a good guitarist. I will never make it.
1. Faster than speeding bullet.
2. Able to leap a tall building in a single bound.
3. Stronger than a locomotive.
4. X-ray/heat vision.
5. Super hearing.
6. Can play KAPOK guitar (the Kryptonite to all mortal guitarist) like no one else on this earth or may be around the south east asia region.
A good guitarist would be one who is willing to spend time having a proper soundcheck with the rest of the band and soundcrew, and not start shredding away or riffing away as soon as he/she is plugged in.

It's really tempting to start playing your favourite riffs immediately after you've set up your rig, believe me! :p
good guitarists are everywhere and very hard to define. u may think this guitarist is good but others may not or vice versa. well most of the good guitarists comes from the 60s - 80s blues/rock/metal/instrumental rock/others. if u compare modern music and guitar licks/riffs may be good and well written. but they still cant compare with the old school.

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