what happens when-

paganified, I am not superman lah.

This is a very valid question.

I think we have in place some of the most dedicated moderators and volunteers who are looking after the forum.

On the technical side of things, we have been with the same hosting company for the past 8 years and the person in charge is a super great guy. Will be meeting him tomorrow to consult him on contingency.

On the funding side, we are very fortunate to have strong support from a lot of music establishment. From dealers, studios to big brands like Nokia.

SOFT will continue to grow. I am sure it will.

** ** **

I have a very close family friend who is about 80+ . Was told today by the doctor that his time is coming. My dad and me visited him and in the car, my dad told me that the friend has lived a very fulfilled life. He should be at peace with himself.

While chatting with the daughter-in-law, she told me what a considerate person her in-law is. How even till now, he didn't want to be a burden to anyone and kept asking if everyone was alright.

After visiting him, my family went for lunch. My dad then wanted to buy some chicken essence for the friend. When we brought it to him, he said, "You shouldn't have spent so much money".

This is the person who took in my father as an apprentice when he was 14 years old. Who through the years watched me and my siblings grew up. Me getting married. Every year, we would celebrate his birthday with his family.

We should live our life to make life of those around us better. This is one person who has done that and so much more.

I hope I would have done so too.

thank you for the reassurance and all the hard work, James. It is very, very appreciated. =)
this portal may go down one day, but the spirit of the people who give it life will always remain... and with that there will always be a solution
Jugman is an audio - visual specialist ...

who is also trying to learn guitar wiring from me;)
aaah yes jugman, talented guy he is. aiya SOFT alot of talented people not just in music.
im sure we have softies from all corners of the industry. IT la, engineering la, business la...blabla
i think in any case, should this site face problems, we should first tap into

1) keep calm.
2) backing up all knowledge archives and I mean useful threads.
3) move to a temporary freebie forum. those delphiforums.com or anything else thats free.
4) source out all the volunteers and ppl who are proficient in forum/programming etc. and re-elect the "president". y'know who to take charge etc.
5) from there rebuild and move on back on the stable road. then everythin should be okay.

I was thinking at 3) , there'll be at least 10 idiots posting "MOVE TO THE NEW UNOFFICIAL SOFT FORUM REPLACEMENT" and get the easy way out to split this forum apart. it will get ugly.

90cents worth..
i also got a skill
my skill is hammering anyone who tries to be a keyboard hero
maybe u can call me the soft guardian?
Jugman, what is your speciality/expertise? SOFT need your help.

well erm, i'm still learning about audio-visual technology. learning about mixers and all. am learning about music and music recording and i'm lovin' it!

haha no la fgl, i'm not a specialist. yet.;)

haha talented meh? no la. where got? haha