What happened to the US Elections' thread?

Ok, maybe FGL could repost the topic again. I hope you all will help me steer it into a healthy discussion.
James=One thing I really don't like in politics is when one party keep highlighting the other party's faults but they themselves do not have any good things to show.

Hmm, not sure how to interpret this (I do not want to misread it too :) ). Thread participants are in the role of political commentators, very much like, say Thomas Friedman (who writes for the NYT and who gets published in ST as well). They comment, analyse and very often criticise as well. Whether they have any good things to show is beside the point - they are not politicians themselves. What more softies here who are in Singapore, and are not US politicians or voters. But as noted by some of us here, the US elections are not just interesting and instructive, but have an almost direct implication for the rest of the world (esp so for Singapore).

Hope you can consider this point (again, I hope I did not misinterpret your statement).
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There were too much profanities and flaming on characters in that thread. It will take too much effort for me to edit them away.

One thing I like to highlight is that we can discuss issues but please do not spoil the discussion with bad manners.

I agree with the part about etiquette, but it is too high handed to simply wipe out an entire thread that contained valuable points of view as well just because of a few blemishes here and there.

I am utterly disappointed and perhaps I should neuter myself to feel better.

As for "healthy discussion" that can be quite subjective no?
James, politics is a LOT to do with highlighting one's faults and not having anything to show themselves. That is part of the game of politics, isn't it? It's a sad truth that not all politicians play fair, and that is something a lot of us have to deal with.

The US politicians do it, and so do we on some occasions.
Do we all remember how James Gomez was on the front page of the news for more than a week? What has that got to do with the fact that my salary isn't rising in accordance to rising prices? Nothing! Do I really care how he didn't make his application when I'm more worried about our economy? No. But I was 'fed' that bit of info again and again.

James, if politics isn't about being opinionated, then what is it about?
If people are supposed to vote, or if they're interested bystanders, OBVIOUSLY they will have opinions. They NEED to be opinionated to make an educated vote, otherwise they'd just toss a coin and go either way. Obviously they will have responses to another's opinions. That's all part of being politics. And the topic wasn't even about Singaporean politics, which is an even more sensitive issue. It was American politics.

And there have been threads about Singapore politics before. Why was that not deleted and this was taken out? And your double standards on certain topics is becoming more glaringly obvious the more times you dilute people's opinions on these forums with a brash implementation of your own. I am sure I am not the only one who has noticed this.

It seems to me that you are infringing your OWN beliefs on politics onto others. And even so, deleting an entire thread simply for a few loose cannons is just lazy moderating.

Seriously, I don't mean to be rude, but you once said this:
"I always hear people say musicians are those cannot study, cannot get a job and cannot make money. I get so angry when I hear these things."

So now I turn this back around to you
When local musicians are having an intellectual conversation filled with valid discussions,
how would you feel if the moderator turned around and just deleted the entire thread - filled with everyone's individual opinions - just because you didn't like a few of the responses or didn't agree with them?

Don't let a few bad apples spoil the healthy discussions.

That, to me, is irresponsible moderating.

And I am certain that many would agree.

EDIT: James has kindly reposted the thread, which is a very nice gesture of him. Let us all try to keep the thread clean but well-discussed! Yay!
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FGL, I have reposted the thread. http://soft.com.sg/forum/music-kopi-tiam/80934-us-presidential-elections.html

I like to highlight again, SOFT welcome healthy discussions on world issues. As responsible site owner, I have to make sure that the content will not cause distress to others.

roninriot, yes you are right! Running a website is like running a community. But I dont go around saying other websites are bad. I just learn their good points and use it to build a better site for SOFT.
I do understand James' position, but I think that deleting a thread altogether is a poor solution. It's an easy way out. It's choosing to pretend that a problem doesn't exist if you hide it away.

A more proactive and positive solution would be to address the issue and steer it in the right direction, which I believe we are capable of doing.

EDIT: I was about to suggest continuing this thread, but I just saw that James had resurfaced the old one. Thanks James!
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Okay James, thank you.
Thank you for reposting the thread. I think it is a very nice and respectable gesture on your part.

And on our part, we'll try to keep it as clean as possible to make your job easier.

That was nice of you.
so now we have two threads on the Us elections
