What guitar should I get for playing blues and metal?


New member
Hey all, I'm around intermediate standard and I'm looking to buy a guitar that is versatile, and is good for playing both blues and metal genres.

My budget is around $500 and I do not have any particular guitar in mind yet.

And, it would be great if I could get a tone similar to Maiden or Jimmy Page (or something like that)

Any suggestions what guitar should I get, and where can I get it?
Thanks in advance!

Keep on rockin' free world~ 8)
an ibanez is quite versatile maybe u could get an rg 321mh or sa series guitars by them. if u lookin for a guitar with a floating trem rgs are good for metal and blues. i can play anythin on mi rg from country to blues to rock to metal. but then again its realli preferences, so jus try other brands u might like the feel of other guitars

Jimmy Page mainly used two guitars, the Telecaster and the Les Paul.

The early years (and arguably most blues-based) periods saw Jimmy Page using a telecaster to great effect.

From Led Zeppelin III onwards he started using a Les Paul.

IMO a telecaster is great for all sorts of application (and especially with Led Zeppelin music).

However, if you cite Maiden as an influence, I'd say that the Les Paul would satisfy you, but bear in mind the kind of LP variants out there...

In general certain kinds of Epi LPs have dodgy wood material and less-than-inspiring pickups. Burny, Tokai LPs (in general again) tend to sound brighter / less muddy than the Gibson variants.

Despite the above, I'd suggest you try out as many guitars, or go around music stores and see what other people use to play the blues. I'm sure you'll have opened your eyes enough by the time you see some of the pros down at G77, Swee Lee, Guitar gallery etc.

haha which is why I suggested going around to the shops... cuz seeing other guitars instead of the usual "4 main food groups" would open his eyes to stuff like the new yamaha guitars, and honestly.. it's kind of hard to find a higher-end guitar within $500 yeah?
I think with your budget of $500..
and for blues and metal.

I think the best would be those Lespaul copies.
Try going around trying there is no substitute to testing
out each guitar.
also try schecter guitars at g77.
i think ibanez guitars gives you a somewhat modern, powerful sound, not something you want when dealing with blues and i dont think you'll need that floating bridge tremolo. Besides most of them are way above your budget

You need something more vintage. Iron maiden uses strats, page uses telecasters/les pauls. Well, you can get the squier 51 which is a cross between tele and strats, has a high output humbuckers, useful for other types of metal.
Hey thanks all for your advices, I'll check out the shops for sure.

Crawldaddy said:

However, if you cite Maiden as an influence, I'd say that the Les Paul would satisfy you, but bear in mind the kind of LP variants out there...

In general certain kinds of Epi LPs have dodgy wood material and less-than-inspiring pickups. Burny, Tokai LPs (in general again) tend to sound brighter / less muddy than the Gibson variants.

Hey 'daddy' :wink: , can you give me more insights about the kinds of LP variants and what types of LP I should look out for? Yeah, that would certainly help alot!

Keep 'em coming
hifi_killer said:
i think ibanez guitars gives you a somewhat modern, powerful sound, not something you want when dealing with blues and i dont think you'll need that floating bridge tremolo. Besides most of them are way above your budget.

Why would an Ibanez guitar give you a "somewhat modern, powerful sound"?

If I took an SZ and put nice medium output pickups in them, would I get something closer to blues?

Or how about an Artcore?

Is it because of the Basswood in the RGs thats why you are making such a statement?

Would a floating bridge detract from blues? Or even a bluesy tone?
$500 bucks, I say get a Yamaha. A pacifica will do. Get the best model you can get for $500.

Metal, man, ANY guitar can do metal in this day & age of ridiculously gain-ed up amps and pedals and pickups.
Metal and blues.. weird combi. Alnico 2 is nice for blues. Alnico 5 is good for blues up to hard rock and a little metal, but not the blistering kind, and ceramics are perfect for metal. Blues with ceramics, can try. Guitar, any kind of wood can do, alder, mahogany, basswood.. Personal tonal preference already. Everything else is down to playability and personal comfort.
ShredCow said:
$500 bucks, I say get a Yamaha. A pacifica will do. Get the best model you can get for $500.

Metal, man, ANY guitar can do metal in this day & age of ridiculously gain-ed up amps and pedals and pickups.

i 2nd cow's advice for $500 bucks the quality in yamaha is better than a banez in my opinion. the pacificas are quite well made.
ShredCow said:
Why would an Ibanez guitar give you a "somewhat modern, powerful sound"?
If I took an SZ and put nice medium output pickups in them, would I get something closer to blues?
Or how about an Artcore?
Is it because of the Basswood in the RGs thats why you are making such a statement?
Would a floating bridge detract from blues? Or even a bluesy tone?

he was refering to RGs and the SA guitars, i do not know of the technical specs of those guitars, but i did try a couple of them before and i form my oppinion based on what i hear. Maybe i had generalised ibanez as a whole, sorry my mistake.

as for the floating bridge guitars, i believe most blues guitarists uses vintage styled guitars,and they do not tremolo that aggressively or that much.. and of course there are some exceptions. Its always a good thing to have the extra features, but when you're on a tight budget, you wouldnt wanna pay for the extra features right?
An epi les paul should cover both genres prety well. Yamaha Pacificas are well made and has a humbucker at the bridge, but i dont like the feel of it.

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