what exactly is TGM??

Hey Eza,

You may wanna change some of the electronics parts for that case. Maybe a better pickup. But if don't do tapping that frequent....you may just be happy with what you got that serve the purpose.


Yerp trying to collect money to buy a new pick up..
cause now i currently using a peavey millenium bxp
its a great bass but the weight....er......is a killer..haha
Yeah Eza...take one thing at a time. Saw your myspace and videos...quite an awesome band you have there. Though I don't understand the music, I'm just relaying the playing skills and band as a whole. Hehehehe!! That shows I'm too old for your kinda stuffs man! Hehehe!!

Eugene: Yeah..you should explore and get the feel. Sometimes, the cheapest guitar can really be a gem. Well....to the player that is. Don't like the brand name on the headstock....can always sand it down. Hehehehe!! There are 3 musical instruments store that I like to visit whether buying parts or other stuffs : Ranking, Guitar Theme and Standard Value. It's becos the nice people there that made you feel welcome. Only go to Swee Lee, Citymusic, Davis, etc when I really can't get things elsewhere.

For Davis I only buy guitar string as I find it cheaper there. But the sales staffs not welcoming. So...normally I buy and go. Swee Lee too expensive. Citymusic cashier staffs have that look typically will spoil your day. Hehehehe!! Just my view! I think off topic liao!

Ok...guys TGM guitars in Malay I'll translate it as "Tengok, Geram Maut". Hehehe!!

omg the top secret owner of the company has been revealed! hahaha

yeah man, i bought my TGM les paul back then, and i dont even know anything about wood. even now, after a few months buying my ibanez guitar then i know what wood it is. what is a good guitar anyway? too many factors contribute to it. i usually hear and the see the outcomes, usually not what contributes to it.
yamaha is good what. i have one at home... around 4 years old but still has a nice tone. yeah if you can, get a maestro.