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Recently I found some free time, and I stumbled across this problem with regards to the 'Master Volume' knob on popular amplifiers.
The main subject amp here would be the Vox ac15cc.
Link to the ac15cc's product specifications,
As seen, the ac15cc has a 'master volume' control as well as a 'volume' control.
So what I would generally associate with a 'master volume' control is that it would allow me to get the power amp distortion at low volume.
How true is that in the case of the Vox ac15cc?
Does it really lower the power output after the power-amp stage?
Okay, so assuming that it does not do the above.
Am I correct to say that the 'master volume' on the ac15cc,
1.) is cutting the power between the final preamp stage and power amp.
2.) and when I turn up the gain control or anything similar, I am actually overdriving the preamp stage instead of the desired power-amp stage?
So the 'volume' control = power-amp,
and the 'master volume' = preamp?
I'm quite confused as to which is controlling which, and how I am supposed to utilise the 'master' and 'volume'.
Do I up the 'volume' to push poweramp, and lower the 'master volume' to lower overall volume?
Do I use the "master volume" to push the preamp to full saturation at lower volume, of which allowing me to balance the preamp and power amp saturation?
Thank you very much for reading.
Please do entertain me. It has been quite awhile since I have found some time to worry about silly details, and to cook up ambiguous and obscure questions :lol: .
Here are the schematics for the Vox ac15cc, hopefully it helps. Apologies for the size.
Recently I found some free time, and I stumbled across this problem with regards to the 'Master Volume' knob on popular amplifiers.
The main subject amp here would be the Vox ac15cc.
Link to the ac15cc's product specifications,
As seen, the ac15cc has a 'master volume' control as well as a 'volume' control.
So what I would generally associate with a 'master volume' control is that it would allow me to get the power amp distortion at low volume.
How true is that in the case of the Vox ac15cc?
Does it really lower the power output after the power-amp stage?
Okay, so assuming that it does not do the above.
Am I correct to say that the 'master volume' on the ac15cc,
1.) is cutting the power between the final preamp stage and power amp.
2.) and when I turn up the gain control or anything similar, I am actually overdriving the preamp stage instead of the desired power-amp stage?
So the 'volume' control = power-amp,
and the 'master volume' = preamp?
I'm quite confused as to which is controlling which, and how I am supposed to utilise the 'master' and 'volume'.
Do I up the 'volume' to push poweramp, and lower the 'master volume' to lower overall volume?
Do I use the "master volume" to push the preamp to full saturation at lower volume, of which allowing me to balance the preamp and power amp saturation?
Thank you very much for reading.
Please do entertain me. It has been quite awhile since I have found some time to worry about silly details, and to cook up ambiguous and obscure questions :lol: .
Here are the schematics for the Vox ac15cc, hopefully it helps. Apologies for the size.