what do you think of jonas brothers?

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okay i seriously think we can stop bashing the jonas brothers already.. since we are all in agreement that they dont deserve the fame, the gear, the money and everything. just try to be more mature in what u say.. senseless bashing isnt going to do any good to ur image, no matter how much u hate the jonas brothers
who are we to say they dont deserve the fame lol?
a group of people may like them.........maybe ur little sister?
their entertainers after all..
nah its not offensive to me......
just that its sort of an insult..and the thread was not originally meant to be a flaming thread
i find them ok...
their songs are catchy and radio-playable...
their song arrangements are quite gud...
coz its in the wrong forum(to ask bout jonas bros) where most are too tough to love and taking gibson as the ultimate geetar brand

me? Iam not queer, but i love you all. Thanks for the entertainment on this rainy xmas eve. You guys rork so hard and brewtal!!! POWER!!!!
HAHAHAH nice thread. I think that teleplayer's pissed off cuz he thinks that gibsons are too good for the jonas brothers. Which is true! But a chord player is definitely still worthy of a gibson. Who said chord players can't be creative? :) By the way guys, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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