What do local bands want?

truth be told, alot of bands out there just wanna be famous! well alot of us here will detract but ive met alotta people who just wanna be famous & popular by being in a band

this is true you know.
some act "primadona" and give the "rockstar" attitude after performing a few gigs.
and i shall not name who :grin:
Eh, I think I will just want some recognition for all of the work I've done and everything I'd tried contributing to Singapore's music scene.

Any kind of recognition.

Maybe I can win that Cultural Medallion too. Haha!
to be able to do, write, play, record and distribute the type of music you want to play.
to be able to tour and play gigs endlessly having more and more people appreciating and listening to your stuff
I don't want anything..

What I mean is that when I play the guitar.. I want everybody's jaw to drop such that nobody in the pub, club or wherever just open mouth and drool and don't say anything (Not because they don't want to but because they can't) hahaha...

Too bad I'm not that good yet.. Hopefully we'll get there before I hit 50...

just somemore question.... so if you're someone who want to let people be impress on your music/composition. what should you do? and have anyone ask themselves why is it so that people are not listening to your music???
You should keep working on it until it's something you yourself can be proud of.

people are not listening to your music either because

1) you're not getting it out to them


2) you are, but your music doesn't appeal to them.

always improve on the music, and always keep looking out for the right people. Sending metal to a pop audience isn't going to get your music heard very much.
there are a fair share of bands who act all rockstar and all, and well, we all do things for different reasons, so let be what is. but as a whole, a band would definitely want to bring their music out to the masses (cant please everyone but well, as many people as we can) haha which imho, leads to the same thing - being known! hahahaha.

well thats your basic need of course but there are other things like making a substantial living out of it? because as much as music is your passion, if youre thinking of being a full time musician, the money has to come in from somewhere right? and yeah thats when practicality and passion have to be juggled i guess.

Sending metal to a pop audience isn't going to get your music heard very much.
sometimes i ponder and think - "man that band has really changed musically". but well they do have their reasons and money is one big factor. i mean we can simply ask ourselves this qn (if you wanna be a full time musician) - do you wanna play for passion and live on peanuts? or do you wanna tap on the mainstream market, change your identity, the music that you love, and earn so much more? its not something you can give a definite answer straight up, but its something worth pondering on, even if you dont want to be a full time musician.

but on an individual level, i'd like to be satisfied with whatever im doing. even if it means im out to please the chicks. hahahaha. Satisfaction IS a basic human need, no denying. :D bro agingyouth brought up something that haha really kinda struck me cos i was also too caught up with "hmm what do i want?" but yeah, i mean i took it literally and asked myself? what can i give the crowd. well, for a start, nothing but the best performances i possibly can, no matter how terrible, out of tune or ugly i am. HAHA.
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either that, or they set goals that are way out of reach and very unrealistic.
But this may not be unnecessarily bad right? These are the crazy things that are required by our local bands. If we keep pushing the limit and trying for those "impossible" goals through various ways, we may break barriers very soon. If we're always playing safe, then we'll always remain stagnant.
But I know I'd still enjoy making music even if you take away these things :P
Ahh, but tis not the answer to ze question because, as zee question is, whether we'll still be enjoying making music when you finally achieve all these things!
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mayb in stead of asking what we WANT, we should be asking what we DESERVE.

in all honesty, yes, there are many good bands that i've seen in singapore, and many others that have the potential to go far.
and so far, this is all about what we WANT for the band. i cna understand the ambitiousness and the aims of musicians in wanting to make it big and get their music heard by people and having the whole rockstar thing happen to them.

but it does bring up the question if band standards and whether we deserve that kinda fame when our music isn't up to THAT standard yet?

think about it.