What can it be done to improve my fretboard?

Are you referring to the white pores? That's because the fretboard is dry and you need to oil it.

I find old english dark wood scratch cover works for me. It darkens the fretboard and nourishes the wood and at the same time hides marring and fingernail scratches.
So i need to get a "old english dark wood scratch cover" right? or the oil too?

Any idea where to get it? Thanks lots.
Or just Lemon Oil would do I guess. Its what people commonly use to oil their fretboards. Try any of the guitar shops and look for this lemon oil.
i saw somewhere in yamaha that lemon oil cant be used for maple fretboards?
anyone can tell me what's the difference or something?
yea use lemon oil.
i had a friend who mixed lemon and linseed oil to use on the fretboard.
and maple fretboards dont need oiling.
nice schecter btw. and maple fretboard dont need oiling cuz maple fretboard are usually finished with varnish. usually satin varnish.so maple fretboard dont need oiling. rosewood fretboards are unfinished and they tend to dry out, so a regular oiling will help keept your fretboard in good shape.
Quote Incara: i saw somewhere in yamaha that lemon oil cant be used for maple fretboards?

friends 8)

*lemon oil is a moisturizing fluid for wood, particularly for open-grain types, rosewood is an example.

*if you note dry patches on your rosewood fretboard, a simple remedy is to apply lemon oil: dab on cloth, wipe over dry areas, wipe dry. yes there are specific guitar-related lemon oil in the market. examples:


*alternatively, you can use off-the-shelf supermarket lemon oil, or wood conditioner available at hardware shops- i'm using wood conditioner. these fluid types has a general moisturizing function, suitable for guitar wood. please do NOT purchase industrial strength versions for laminate flooring etc.

*you will read elsewhere in american forums especially, that lemon oil application should be done sparingly because its acidic properties would weaken wood. well, this is more applicable to temperate countries where moisture loss is less rapid compared to our equitorial climate. so the practice here is to apply as & when required but sparingly.

*maple fretboard does NOT require lemon oil treatment because it's not an open-pore type + usually satin finished. if you need to clean yours, a normal guitar polish fluid would do.
usually this kind of white open pores occur on ibanez guitar. my fender guitar doesnt have this kind of open pores. not sure y ibanez rosewood is different from fender rosewood.. just my 2 cents. my ibanez SA has this kind of thing last time.. i suggest u use murphy oil soap available at home-fix diy store. i used it and it feels and look better now... :lol:
dry fretboard isn't exclusive to one brand name, usually, the asian manufactured units use woods of asian origin, hence the quick drying compared to american units. some mexican fenders also display dry parchments.
We just needs to google I say.

So much info online, so little time...

Old English Lemon oil from supermarkets will do for lemon oil... its a big bottle, its cheap - dunlop's little bottles are a nice way to make $.

Or google for Guitar Honey.
most lemon oil are petroleum distillate with MAMA Lemon flava yo....

makes yer tone sour... good for emo. :twisted:

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