What are you reading?

bought that one in August 05 i think- TIMES was having 20% off for members...

there's a copy @ ANA bookshop (Far East Plaza).
DarknessFury said:
I'm reading i-Robot currently...

i hope your not reading the book based on the movie?

Read Asimov's orginal robot series, those are much better.

Thanks subs will try to get a copy of it. What do you think of it.
ciel21 said:
Any Robert Jordan WoT fans?

Hell, I rem reading during my O Levels, till book 6. Then ... waited 1 yr for book 7, and thought, hell, I can't rem the first few books already, I'll just wait for everything to be out then I'll read them all again!
i'm starting to re-collect asterix comics.HAHAH

Really expensive man, 20 bucks a piece, i have collected around 20++ now...

I have just finished sophie's world,AGAIN.sigh.
Lincolm Rhyme rocks man, love his novels you never know whos the real killer till Deaver tells you. Or you flipped to the last chapter and starts reading =p.

Book 11 of WoT is out. The last few books are killing me he needs to finish it soon! the first 6 books are a blast but after that its draggy.

fury put that down and get the orginals! wahhaha

snuff u have too much money man hahah Pedal Gas so bad and your also collecting comics hahah.
Sophie's world is good cheem bt good. Read liao will get headache trying to understand
DarknessFury said:
I think I'm reading the one based on the movie...'coz Will Smith's on the cover...from the library...haha

OMG, a book based on a movie based on a book(s).
Right now I'm in the middle of:


We're doing it for Literature. Damn cool book, I don't know what took me so long to pick it up.
i've just finished rereading the whole long collection of Stephen King's the gunslinger. i love libraries..
wahh deep stuff. anything by stephen hawkings is deep stuff man. is this the one chock full of maths equations? i tried to read one of his books bt coulden understand them.
this one has alot of pictures to describe his theories. haha. i read his other book, A Brief History of Time. that one has no pictures in it. i got pretty lost. but the universe in a nut shell is not as bad, just got to keep rereading some part. lols