Just finished;
He had everything. A great job, a beautiful wife, a bouncing baby boy, and a flashy MGF.
And he lost it all in one crazy night. (spent with his colleague Siobhan, no less. 8) )
He gets ejected from the show by the very man whose life he had helped build.
His wife leaves him and threatens to take their son with her.
Faced with the prospect of the single life while his wife jettisons about japan with her new lover, he learns more about life and love from the people all around him, most of whom he had never given a second thought to, and battles the very same demons of every dysfunctional marriage in modern society, head-on.
Most of all, he learns to love again, and carry on with life.
Not your typical family-melodramatics novel. Check it out if you have the time. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sneer, and you'll snigger, but above all, you'll enjoy yourself. 8)