rx7, what he did that was most touching was his faith on me able to handle a show. I actually was rather lost and indecisive.
Although he is busy with rock for good and other things,
he asked one of his friend to guide me step by step.
I feel so ashamed to say that i am a half of drums, the fact that I am his student, I dont live up to his name. Though I kinda gave up drums on him, he just told me i'll be more free after the fest, and his last words were 'I'll be waiting

I am a damn shit hole to take him for granted, thinking he will be there to impart his stuff at my own retarded pace.
I mean u anybody out there, take your teachers seriously. Your teacher wants to wait for you, they can wait for you. But you wont know if they will be around physically anymore or not.
I am just freaking distraught...i cry till i appear like hypocrite, but this is what that is going on in my head.
He is just someone that will not give up on things/people who give up on him.
how many 'rockstars' will take the time to msn you "How are you coping?"