Vox Amp heavy metal solutions?

hey guys, im using an VOX AC 30. its godlike for cleans and slight dirt classic rock acdc zep and any form of hard blues. but i cant seem to make it work for metal. i use a graphic fuzz from ehx and have tried the boss mega distortion as well as the almighty tubezone but the heavy metal escapes me still. i believe the amp sounds abit too bright and trebly with these combinations. The best combi i got is the tubezone through eq pushed with a tube sreamer copy.

but no shiok still ah.

i've had recommendations for the zvek box of rock. but not sure if it'll work on the vox. how any ideas? pedal recommendations? or do i just need to mod amp? or is it just cos im playing at low levels?

i've been told it ain't gonna work. so yea gonna try the minds of experienced softies to try and solve my problem.

i usually get the head shake when i bring this question up so any help is appreciated.

thanks and peace out
well how about putting the gain up as high as possible, and then adding an overdrive pedal. Or maybe play with the mids
you can't get an apple to taste like an orange; your vox wasn't conceive to manifest heavy distortion, it didn't have any to begin with should you rely on the default settings.
The VOX wasn't designed for dirt dude. It's overdrive is still pretty weak when it comes to metal and other heavy genres. The Valvetronix series is at least better, but if it comes to chunk.....nah...

Want real distortion? Get the Line 6 SpiderValve. It's Line 6's amp modeling combined with Reinhold Bogner's tube technology. You will love the Hi-Gain, Metal and Insane amp models. They sound grittier, dirtier, fatter, chunkier and more br00tal than any other amp. And you can get the naturalness and warmth of the tubes as well.

Cheers ;)
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vox no go?

i get that man.

1. I love the amp for what it is. solid clean and rock and roll amp. that why i aint about to offload it for another amp anytime soon. its super responsive to my effects and i love it.

2. apples are apples and oranges are oranges. No doubt bout that. im looking for a way to make it into a nice like blended drink which will go well with a little vodka.

i get it wasn't made for this shit, but is there any way to give it a dying shot at being at least a decent higain setup. im looking for a solutions and ideas here man. Looking for some middle ground.

Read that there are some mods out there for clean amps to become split channel, anyone here know anything bout that?

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