US Presidential Elections

Now it has become "official": US is currently facing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

It's no longer about war, the environment, abortion rights and lipsticks. This will become the top agenda for the new President. I am sure the people of America and the world even is focusing their eyes on this for it to be fixed.

But can he pull off another Franklin Roosevelt?
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Oopsies... Hahaha, gotta reread my history. I never did well enough for it to begin with, though, so is that a good excuse? :lol:
Oh my word! You mean Palin wears MIJ glasses? *shocked*
What will all those God-fearing, small-town-dwelling American workers say?

*who's not a Palin fan*
Better MIJ than MII or MII. :mrgreen:

But we all know that the country of origin no longer reflects standard of craftsmanship anymore, aye? :lol:
haha Obama should win but i think that America is not ready for a coloured president , too many rednecks there
the "most Americans are dumb" statement is one that can actually be backed by some evidence with references to education standards, in comparison to the rest of the world

Its about how the US govt (ficticious of course) tried to "fake" a war during election period to gain voters ...

The current campaign seems very slick too - macam movie production ...
If we go out and film 100 people on the street in singapore. Put together a video, we will have the Singapore version too!

Video is a very powerful (easily abused) tool. Especially with all the editing and stuff.
^ I would love to do a questionaire to go along with the video. To get a demographic of the background of these people; importantly highest education, political stand, state etc etc.
^ My God.. some of the answers are just appalling.

Why the hell does Brazil have to be one of the answer?

Forget about economy. Number 1 priority there is EDUCATION.

You do realise this is from CNNNN which is a comedy show from Australia. They modified the map by changing the labels on the countries. Obviously they are going to take the stupidest answers because its a comedy show.

Here CNNN explain the Iraq ware..
^ Well, apologies then. But that doesn't change the fact that some of the answers are appaling.

It's pretty sad to know that there are walls of ignorance and prejudice that even readily availability resources of education can't get through.

Anyway, the crash has somewhat stole the thunder from Palin (thank goodness). Obama's strategy to stick to his agenda of the economy from the start seems to work. He is now leading in the most recent polls.
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CNNN was always about making a mockery of the way global media reported news. Using footage out of context, playing on peoples prejudices, drawing paralleles where they don't exist. I think perhaps you are missing the point of this piece.
singaporeans are just as dumb and just as ignorant, what's the point? No, I do not have any facts to back that up. but if we were any smarter, we wouldn't always be kissing american ass
obama was very fresh when he came out and he played his cards right. He may have peaked agst clinton, and u can see that his campaigning is not as successful now as JM. However, JM may be a bit too old, and from his life story and cv, its like he dont wanna die regretting not being able to be president. It more like he is doing it more for himself then the nation, but all politician are like that as well right. But he is clever to pick palin to win over the clinton supporters who are still hostile agst obama, and she seems to be like in a younger clinton template.