heh, imho, a "i don't know" option should be added

anyhow, heres my five cents share:
firstly, i dun know what to believe. its hard to imagine, but space is well, space. i dun think there are any limits to it, it just goes on and on. definately not something we should spend our lives thinking abt, its depressing knowing u're so small :S
also, i think its highly possible that somewhere out there, there is(are) more planet(s) which have developed to the point of being able to support life, similar to earth. so, maybe, there *are* people of another sort out there.
about them UFOs, not too sure i agree Panopticon. after all, a disc shaped aerodynamic structure does seem a plausible design for a flying object, and maybe a space craft, and not a time machine? a time machine could just be the size of a toilet cubicle or something, why the disc?
about them ghosts, im pretty sure they exist. mostly, i would think, because they have something left in this world that they desire more than peace (babes, booze, cars, cash, who knows? :twisted: ) so yea, they stick around and make some of we living people's lives difficult. essentially, i believe they exist simply because there are exorcists in virtually every community, every culture. if they didnt exist, people from all around the world would not believe in spirits etc. there would definately be some remote tiny tribe or something that had never had any "spirit encounters" in that case.
flame as u like, i've skin the thickness of hide.