UFOs,extraterrestrials and ghosts

do you believe that ghosts,UFOs and extraterrestrials exist?

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lol oh u guys shld check out scientology. scientology has this story called 'the story of Xenu', it states that billions of yrs ago, this 'galactic tyrant' kidnapped certain individuals who were deemed as 'excess population' and loaded these individuals into space planes for transport to this site of extermination, the planet of Teegeeack (Earth). These space planes were supposedly exact copies of Douglas DC-8s (some airplane). He then stacked hundreds of billions of these frozen victims around Earth's volcanoes 75 million years ago before blowing them up with hydrogen bombs and brainwashing them with a "three-D, super colossal motion picture" for 36 days. The traumatised thetans subsequently clustered around human bodies, in effect acting as invisible spiritual parasites known as "Body Thetans" that can only be removed using advanced Scientology techniques. Xenu is allegedly imprisoned in a mountain and kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery. yeesh, fir-rick-kinnng re-tard-ation...
and people like Tom Cruise believe in all that.

but actually, all religions require a massive leap of faith.
I thought Scientology was just a 'religion' in which believes in Science. But I didn't know they actually had those kinda stories too. Oh cool. I learn something new everyday. Heh. Oh yeah Tom Cruise. Lol
moggie_54 said:
The 'quran' got mention that there are no other living things outside earth except for a earth..
Thtz another point. Thtz y expeditions to "find out more" always have a disappointing result according to one report quoting Neil Armstrong about future space penetrations.
I heard that Neil Amstrong convert to muslim bcos he heard something from earth while he was on the moon.. That is very loud for something to be heard from the moon.. That something is 'Azan'..
Yep. It was a widespread rumour-like thing tho. Some admitted while some put that off as just another rumour. He didnt hear frm earth tho. He heard it frm inside the 3rd grade cockpit, the engineer's side. And ofcourse he was baffled coz the "Azan" sounded so loud n clear. And recently i read in the papers abt him. When he visited malaysia..somethin abt astronomy. Some malaysian astronomer being great n all somethin like tht. Then there was this part where they wrote abt Mr Armstrong denying the fact tht he had heard those "calls from God".
hmm. interesting poll. Aliens--possibly since the universe is so huge. Earth can't possibly be the only place life exists. ghosts, I'm not sure. As a Catholic I was raised to believe in both good and bad spirits. I've seen videos and heard stories about exorcisms being performed and I'm not sure what to believe. Too much evidence to ignore and not enough to convince. Does that make sense?
khaninawatsibai said:
the whole universe is a joke. just so "highly intelligent" ppl like scientists n astronomers n astronauts/cosmonauts dont get bored

hmm that sounds an awfully simplistic way to look at things but whatever works for you, lol.

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