UFOs,extraterrestrials and ghosts

do you believe that ghosts,UFOs and extraterrestrials exist?

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hmm,there was recently a thread about why everyone's so scared to die..well,it got me thinking and so i decided to do my sch project on smth related to this..put in your opinion and what you think so tht i can collate them and use them for my project because personally,i think the best research materials comes from people ..do UFOs and ghosts really exist?why are they deemed scary?will we become ghosts in our afterlife?do we even have an afterlife?are aliens cute?are they beings far more advanced than us?..
after watching Skeleton Key today, i'm more curious about witchcraft and black magic, so called the voodoo and noodoo? quite interesting show, and also about superstitions and stuff
i rather not know...but skeleton key's plot was real freaky. they used witchcraft to switch souls from older to a younger person, so they could live forever... 8O

just bizarre...
haha, and i cant believe the parents actually killed their own kids...

aniwae, yar, i believe in ghosts and stuff.
UFOs and aliens, not too sure. but i'm just dying to know whats in area 51 at roswell.(its 51 right?)
i believe ghosts exist because I've had a few experiences of seeing them.

I also believe in the possibility of other lifeforms existing other than Earth.

As for UFOs, I think most sightings are just just sightings of military tracking devices.
i've been hearing alot of ghost stories from my seniors who are in the army. I evenhave friends who can see them. Thankfully i dont have such ability.
Most ghost that you see are restless spirits wondering around places like old army barracks, hospitals and most of the pre war building and places that the Janpanese used as killing ground.

I am sure any guy that has served the National service will have loads of ghost stories to tell. I was a bmt instructor at the old Nee Soon camp in Sambawang and every new batch of recruits will sure to complain to me about seeing things and hearing noises in their room. I have not seen anything that time but I did hear noises when I was on duty alone during weekend, believe me it is damm scary, I have to blast Deep Purple songs at full blast the whole night to drownn out the thoughts of seeing and hearing anymore strange noises. The noise I heard were lots of people walking around in cloggs and people showering at 3am in the night when I was the only living soul in the whole building

Ghost some people don't believe. But they would rather believe in spirits. I'm not sure what is the difference, but there is. And UFOs definitely exist, because the Universe is so biiiiiiiiiig out there... There are other forms of living things for sure, and yet to be discovered. UFOs are often flying saucer, a form of air transport for the aliens. Some people say it is high-tech aircraft. Some say aliens are here for a visit, just like how astronauts go to the moon.
The poll should b classified differently nt just yes or no. I do not believe in ghosts, zombies, monsters, nvr experienced any incident related to ghosts or such. And i can strongly say i will nvr believe in em. Howevr i do believe in Jinns, or something like spirits. Bt i dont believe they can harm us living things. These beings exist on earth, bt light travels faster than the blink of our eyes so we dont c em. They live parallel to the dimension we live in, thus only 1/10 ppl may spot em once in a while, due to some particles of light NOT absorbed by the blind spot. UFO's, ETs, i cant say yes or no bcoz im eager to find out, so are thousands of scientists. Bt yes, they have a high chance of existing. Bt then again, for them to invade our world or evn approach our galaxy, im skeptical. Evn if they could travel at the speed of light, it would take them atleast a few more millenias since the beginning of mankind, as the nearest known mystery galaxy is definitely more than 65 million years away when converted frm lightyears. I dont know abt Area 51 tho, bt like i said, im skeptical. We r of flesh n blood, live as u were/are told to live :wink:
I think I just broke the tie from 6-6 to 7-6. Lol. Yeah I believe in E.Ts and the such. They may be curious about us, just like we're curious about them. How interesting. Ah well. I'd rather not think so much about them. =\
well..theres a saying in chinese..."it exist when u believe..and it dont when u dont believe"...so it really depend on individual
The universe is so huge beyond comprehension, and there are so many things that cant be explained scientifically. So y not?
eh3, anyone remember men in black?
both movies.
at the end, theres always this mindboggling scene.
first is that the galaxy is a marble which an alien, i think, is playing with.
second one is that J opened this door, then the camera shows huge aliens and J was in a small locker..
ya i remember that

as for me ... i dunno if i really believe in aliens
but somehow i believe in ghosts etc. though i don't want to encounter one sooner or later

surfing Sfogs really spooked me out haha
and watch incredible tales doesnt help much,even though it has lame special effects haha
I believe in ghosts not in Alien.. Bcos There is no such things as aliens.. In the universe.. only the planet earth has living things.. The other planets are only planets..
our whole world is one big conspiracy. as long as there is a government, a Secret Service, an intelligience agency, a CIA or an ISD, there will always be a conspiracy, something 'TOP SECRET' or 'HIGHLY CLASSIFIED' n we'll nvr know whats really the truth. why..? its for our own 'good' n for 'national security' they say. as for aliens n ETs, i doubt that any government wld admit that they are real. even if there are witnesses, they'll just say they're screwed up in the head. so i guess u can say that, officially, they dont exist, but unofficially, they really do.
moggie_54 said:
I believe in ghosts not in Alien.. Bcos There is no such things as aliens.. In the universe.. only the planet earth has living things.. The other planets are only planets..

wow really? you've been to those planets and checked them out right?
No lar.. My friend once got go to the universe for a holiday.. Of course not lar Vaiyen.. In my beliefs.. The 'quran' got mention that there are no other living things outside earth except for a earth..

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