Tuning the kick/bass drum


New member
Hihi, i'm currently not happy with how my bass drum sounds so i wanted to experiment with new sounds. Hopefully you guys can help

1) How do people tune their kick drum so they get a nice, rich, boom sound when they hit it?

2) How do people tune their kick so they get a click sound? For example listen to Jeff Kummer the drummer in this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er_yYzd7NUo

Thanks for your help in advance
stuff a pillow in it, a big one. tune the batter head loose. this gives it mroe attack and less resonance. if i'm not wrong there's a big hole in this front head. use a wooden beater. when u play dig ur beater into ur head. play heel up.
the click sound can be achieved in a few ways....

1) Beater type (plastic, hard felt, wood)

2) Click pad ( a stick on pad that you can buy...Swee Lee, Drums Resources has some)

3) In a recording/live situation, to capture it more, you can place a second mic on the batter side but be mindful of how you point the mic to avoid phase cancellation