Tube amps *Help*


New member
I'm deciding on whether to get a Tube amp like the Fender Twin Reverb or should I use normal amps? I intend to use it during jamming sessions with an acoustic drumset and several other instruments. At that volume, will the tubes be worn out easily? I'm not sure how much the Fender Amp's tubes cost. I'm afraid that it'll be over my budget for maintenance. Anyone here owns a tube amp? Do share your views here, thanks.
i think it shoulnd't be a question of whether you should use tube amps, but whether its the tone you're after, and if you can even tell the difference. next, is of course whether you can afford the buy tube amps of a suitable wattage (to perform up to your requirements... i.e. 30 - 50 watts). Tubes should be one of your last concerns actually.
I'm currently using my crate amp, which doesn't hold any tubes, but it tends to distort if I increase it's volume to play with acoustic drumsets.
tubes will distort / go into overdrive when the volume is pushed. granted, it is an ideal type of drive but can be annoying if u want a pure clean tone. i think u just need a larger amp
Firstly I think you should look at the sound you want and the volume you want this type of sound at. All amps will distort when they are driven past about twelve o'clock on the dial.

For their weight, solid state amps are a lot louder (100 watts of solid state can be easily carried in one hand, while 100 watts of tube needs a couple of people). Solid state are more roadworthy and robust - you don't have to worry about broken tubes all the time, and they are also low maintenance. Most of all they are cheaper for the quality of the sound.

I don't want to persuade you not to use tube amps - I love them - but there are many things you have to consider. Can I get the sound I want with a quality solid state amp and a couple of pedals, or do I want the variable tone of a tube amp with all the downsides (see above).

Think a bit more. Work out your budget, then go shopping!

Wish you luck.



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