ts9,ts9dx and ts7

Ah! The Tubescreamer pack of TS pedals! Variations of the same theme updated through the decades they are all somewhat similar and then some... :) All of 'em nice in their own unique way.

I do find the TS7 the most interesting of all. Here's why;

1. Can easily sound like a classic 808 if you must
2. More flexible and practical than a 808 and TS9 because of the 2 way selector.
3. Not as bloated as TS9DX
4. Has better on/off switch reliability
5. All known mods for 808 and TS9 are applicable to the TS7
6. Not over hyped hence not overpriced.
7. Those cool "push to save setting" knobs!

The TS7 must've been a logistic and costing nightmare from a manufacturer's standpoint. Utilizing 4 seperate printed circuit boards, a smaller but more reliable on/off switch, special push push knobs and a cleaner leaner redesigned chassis. NICE! :)
despite the positive features, the TS7 has limited fans. many still believe in the green series hype but if those work for you, no point embracing something you don't believe in...
ok- i got the TS7C for collection's sake but i'm still using my TS7... 8)

This is my opinion, the best way to fully optimise the potential of any TS is to get a TUBE amp. I've been through quite a few of distortion pedals and boosting them does help tighten the tone and give you a rather sweet lead tone but the change in tone isn't drastic. Now, if you get a tube, it is very different! Setting the gain to slightly over break up and then boosting it with a TS is pure tone nirvana (to me that is). Not too good to get a chugga chugga tone but lead tones are seriously amazing.

Sorry, my description aren't the best but you have to hear it for yourself. :lol: Hearing is believing.
Had a TS7, sold it, bought it back again, cos i realy love the sound it gives... Comparing it to other drive pedals, it's value for the amount of cash you invest in it.
whats the diff between a tubescreamer and an overdrive?
so what does the BAD MONKEY tubescreamer overdrive do?
ive got a ds-1 and im looking for something to boost my sounds..
what should i get??
the Ibanez Tubescreamer is an overdrive unit, one of the mildest in the market. different manufacturers will have different names for them, but they still are overdrive units.

your DS-1 is a distortion unit, the mildest but most sought after because it works better as a booster (boosting amp's OD channel/ another pedal) than a primary distortion source.

if you think you are in need of more intensity, do not get a booster unit yet- check out the more intense type distortion commonly referred to as 'metal' distortion. the review database has some units for you to check out.

after trying them & you think you prefer your DS-1 tone, then proceed to shop for a booster type pedal 8)
so usually..
i should use my distortion to boost my overdrive or the other way around?
how about using an equilizer?
i heard you can boost the sound to your liking using an equilizer.. is that true?
Depends on what you like really..

weather u wanna have your OD before your dist in your chain or the
dist before the OD.
it 2 completely different sounds.

hmm i would say its more for tone shaping rather than getting the 'boost'
that you want.
yes, it doesn't matter which pedal comes first, usually the milder unit acts as a booster (this yields more pleasing results) but it's not a hard & fast rule.

the EQ isn't a signal bosster- nope. it's a frequency 'booster' (enhancer more like it). for effective signal boosting, you need a booster type unit. examples:






Horrorflicked, I guess what you're concerned with with is the different types of boosting.

Generally speaking there's the gain boost (TS-esque kind of boost), the transparent volume boost (the examples Subversion has given) and a frequency boost which is what the EQ id all about.

We all know that a gain boost is to add sustain (and perhaps volume) to an already dirty tone.

Volume boost is also known as a clean or transparent boost. It does not alter the tone other than to make your guitar sound louder so that it can be heard over the rest of the band during a solo.

The Frequency boost is similar to the volume boost, however you're using the frequency sliders (on an EQ pedal) to boost or cut certain frequencies so as to shape TONE and if your EQ pedal has a volume slider you can also make the guitar louder along with the the afore-mentioned tone shaping.

hope this helps.
thanks to you guys now i got a clearer picture..
well at least now i do know what i want..
i want a gain boost..
so do you think the tubescreamer will help me with it?
maybe my DS-1 > tubescreamer

The question is whether such a combination would work to give you the desired tone that you have spinning in your mind. For example, I used to use a combo I'm sure no one would have used: a Boss OS-2 boosting a Danelectro Daddy O Overdrive.

The thing is, the Boss was already a pretty high-gain pedal, so much so that even with the gain on zero, when it boosted the Daddy O, the tone was seriously biting and razor sharp, not to mention super gainy.

Right now my drive set up still uses the Daddy O but I'm using an LPB-1 before the OD to have both gain and volume boost, but if I place it in front of the OD, I could have a clean volume boost.

So I do believe the best way to work it out is to try several different configurations of pedals and boosters to get the tone and gain setting you want.
Quote Crawldaddy: For example, I used to use a combo I'm sure no one would have used: a Boss OS-2 boosting a Danelectro Daddy O Overdrive.

you're not the only one with peculiar combos. mine:

*EHX NANO Muff + Dano Black Coffee
*OD3 + DS1
*Tubescreamer + EHX NANO Pocket Metal Muff
...overdrives are essential for pre boost to drive your choice dirt pedals further if you are using weak pups and a clean booster is essential to pump your final signal so that it cuts through the mix !! :D