Trying double pedals,


New member
Something which i oddly wasn't allowed to do at bras basah's swee lee, with their staff telling me that even at sims drive i could only 'test my luck'. Couldn't try the dw 5ks @ ranking either, so was wondering if there're any places in ... peninsula, maybe? where i could at least give the various iron cobras and elims a go; i'd be insecure plonking 500 bucks on something i'm not even allowed to test. If not i'd be getting yamaha's direct drive doubles; at least i was allowed to try those ones :S

On a related note, was wondering about the direct drives: I like their sensitivity in allowing me to play fast, but is there a loss of projection / power, especially when performing unmiked? And is it possible to change the beater to other brands' ones, since the stock yamaha ones are quite hefty, heh. And comparing dw's 5k, 6k, 7k series, is there a justifiable difference to pay for between them?

And er, was wondering if anyone has comments about ranking's electronic kits; they're much more affordable than yamaha's DT series and would probably give me more peace over getting a rhythm traveller, noise-wise.

Thanks in advance! (:
Hi there,

You can usually try pedals at Nigel's shop, drum resources. Its located at Henderson industrial park. He has a wide array of pedals to try from axis to Iron Cobras (I'm not sure if its stock or 2nd hand so its better to check it out). Yea so thats one place you can consider.

Good luck with pedal hunting!

Ps. Do consider the Elims before you decide in a pair, they might be the ones that change your mind. :mrgreen:
I own the Yammy DDs. Yeah you can swap the beater. I did the same...swapped to iron cobra wood beaters.

Projection is affected by beater type and mostly technique and the drum itself. Technically there wouldn't be a loss in power for the DDs because its designed in such a way that what you put in, is what you get...whereas other pedals accelerate towards the batter head giving you the "power".

Yeah like what spinninsticks give Elims a try. Direct Drives aren't for everyone.
5002 is not bad..
7002 is single chain(I think)
6000<--never see before ^,^"
If you have the money then better buy once and keep for life..
Or give Pearl Elim a try.. it's all in one..
Iron Cobra really depends, PowerG and RollinG totally different feel..
1 vote for 5002 old version LoL
If you have ever tried the Ranking electronic drum and the yamaha ones, you will notice the BIG differences in the sound the drum trigger makes. The yamaha ones prolly sound more "drum" like. And also, the ranking electronic drum heads are made of plastic, while yamaha ones are made of rubber. Noise factor, Plastic makes louder sound than rubber.

Maybe you could try Roland electronic drum. lower end vdrum are around the same price as the yamaha ones. You can check them out at swee lee. Roland drum kits has a very nice drum sound and besides the lower end td-3kw vdrum has a mesh snare. which prolly helps in term of "feel".

If maybe cost wise ? why not considering changing your drum skin to mesh heads ?
I don't mind letting you try out my Elims, but then you only can buy Elims :twisted:

It's my way.. or the highway!

5 votes for Elims! :wink:
Frummer... have you ever had the IC wood beater fall out of the plastic holder before?

It happened to me !!! :( somemore I just bought it not long ago and seldom used.... let me know tkssss

Personally, i using the 9000 series (1st Choice) and really love it because ya can adjust the cams easily and is very versatile... but yet again is rather costly --> $950

As for 2nd choice, Pearl Elims man.. versatile but the thing is that ya have to switch cams to find the right one for ya... once ya got the right one, ya one the highway (like jeepers quote).price wise is cheaper (600+?)... especially during swee lee sales (300+?) not sure how much though..

To me, when i buy my pedals i go for versatility, specifically the cams adjustment. rather then the fixed cams like the 5000 series (dw) or Iron cobra (Power or rolling glides)

man, thanks alot for the quick responses :D
haha spinninsticks, i forgot about checking out nigel's shop, even after reading about it only a short while ago >< thx for the headsup!

yeah Frummer, ithink i misinterpreted 'feel' that day for potential loss in projection since yamaha's display sets were using e-kit pads. forgot that i've seen your kit online before with the beater changed too, awesome kit gotta say :D, exams really screw with your mind i guess ..

my main concern was, yeah, the elims, cos i've not really liked the level of sensitivity the various tamas in studios have provided, even though i know they've been used and abused to hell and back, heh. the adjustability does appeal to me for long term use too, as heavenbjorn / North's said (:

sorry, North, was a typo there, its dw 8ks not 6ks ><.

to brainswash, yeah, i forgot that yamah's dt uses rubber too. cost-wise my budget for a kit's 1+k at max; dont wanna kill the household haha ><. my first kit btw; after so many years of practising without one i thought it'd be best to get one to hone my chops :D. Thought the rolands cost quite abit? Though yeah, the mesh head was really nice to play on for an e-kit the last time i went to SL, heh.

thx for the offer jeepers :D but ithink i'll pass, haha, i'll probably gun for 'em and buy on the spot just before the next jam w/ my band. time is running out sadly.

once again, thx alot for the help guys!
haha. thats the problem with singapore. yea. so sometimes you have to go by feel and what you think. yea.

for deedubs. i would say the 5000s. i feel that the 9000s way too smooth.

i haven tried the cobras and elims. and yea the yammies are not bad. really not bad.

anyway if you wan a cheaper alternative that is not bad. why not peace nitro velocity double pedals? they are good to me. yea!
Heh i bought my elims entirely off reviews and not liking ICs which I had tried before. And I love my elims :D even though I still don't even play double pedal haha. It's just sitting there looking at me sadly
Haha.... Awesome...

Anyways, i think that it is good for us to be able to acclimatize to all sorts of pedals... even the single chain ones (surprising quite gd). Thus, foot technique and also pedal anatomy (e.g tension) will benefit alot, which i am still working on it.. :)

Still, just like drumstix, there will definitely be a "you" pedal. Whereby it could be uniquely comfortable for you and not for another :) Hope to hear from ya about ur new pedals soon :)
Plainsman - Nope. I bought my wood beaters for quite some time already and havn't drop off...yet! But I've heard alot of these similar stories on forums and online stores. Maybe because you gig more often. I use it for home practice ( almost everyday ) and jamming sessions ( if any ) but it still works fine!

destalin - hey thanks man! I kinda regret not trying out other pedals before I bought mine. Impulse I guess.

I managed to play on DW 9ks on a very very insane drumset owned by a particular organisation...haha. I liked it! Almost similar to my Yammies...just got that chain drive feeling...I LIKE! I had doubts about my own DDs after that...but I started working harder on my feet and grew to like the DDs again haha!
Plainsman - Nope. I bought my wood beaters for quite some time already and havn't drop off...yet! But I've heard alot of these similar stories on forums and online stores. Maybe because you gig more often. I use it for home practice ( almost everyday ) and jamming sessions ( if any ) but it still works fine!

destalin - hey thanks man! I kinda regret not trying out other pedals before I bought mine. Impulse I guess.

I managed to play on DW 9ks on a very very insane drumset owned by a particular organisation...haha. I liked it! Almost similar to my Yammies...just got that chain drive feeling...I LIKE! I had doubts about my own DDs after that...but I started working harder on my feet and grew to like the DDs again haha!

Really, you're liking your DDs again?

ps. Elims aren't tempting you anymore.. ? :twisted:
psplayer - eh, at least you've got sth for the long haul! just keep working on it, you'll get to use em one day! haha, i suppsoedly started learning in sec1, got serious in sec3, but haven't gotten to do a proper gig once even after a few bands. sad luck and parents i guess ...

frummer - heh, i know which organisation you're talking about :P but still, yeah, i really liked the way the DDs felt on the spot; it seemed like all the bass rudiments i had in my head could finally come to life with this one right off the hook. spent quite some time on it at PS' yamaha that day comparing the doublechains and DDs, must've seemed like an idiot!

heavenbjorn - nice POV actually, i didnt really think of that 0o, though i do know that single chain does offer more responsiveness over doubles, and that equipment aren't always to our specs .... a nice philosophy to keep in mind i guess
Hey Frummer,

For the record man! DDs are really awesome, my church uses got one but is single pedal... I enjoyed the smooth reaction of the double chain drive. Also, even though is not so important, the clamping system of the pedal to the kick drum is so easy and convenient, just lift a lever and closed it. Lastly the rubber padding under the pedalboard man... prevents hte pedal from slipping without using the nails thingy (Which damage floor)
heavenbjorn - Haha yeah they're awesome no doubt! The clamping system is actually a double edged sword. It is definitely convenient if you only use it on similar drumsets. But what I' experiencing is different. My own kit has plastic hoops. Jamming studios usually have wood hoops ( which are significantly thicker ). So to avoid constant readjustments...I adjust the clamp to cater for studio hoops and when I'm at home, I put a piece of folded paper in between the claw and hoop.Haha.Kinda stupid but it works!

Spinninsticks - What do you mean? I already have elims what...its just in your hands thats all :)!
for the record 7002's are not single chain.

Personally i modded my 7002's. i replaced the bottom axel with the one similar to the 5002 and 9002's.

personally i still like the IC power glide the most. I've tried an array of pedals from, elims, to axis, to frummers DD's, to the peace velocity. i still prefer the IC's.

For a certain reason, maybe its because the pedals were not in their "best" settings, i'm not really able to enjoy and "fly" with the pedals...

Recently, i have been jamming at fourtones studio 1. the room where the IC power glides are. I'm seriously able to almost effortlessly push 180, and squint out 205. even my guitarist that knows peanuts about drums also tried it out and said "gosh, i feel like a thambi stole my legs and replaced them with behemoth's drummer's [inferno] legs. "

IMO, cost against satisfaction of hitting over 200bpm. the IC power glides do it for me. :D