tri ac - help


New member
My tri ac have been giving me spasm of volume increase/breakage of sound while i am playing. I also notice the led idicator blinking irregular when the spasm happens.

I know that tri ac is not a regular pedal, thus i would like to ask which gear techie should i approach.
Oh here we go again! Another Softie and I also had the same problem.

You have to turn all your knobs to 0 before you switch on the unit. That should solve the quirk.

Then when you want to tweak it, you turn the knobs back 1 by 1, via the blinking led method, and tweak accordingly.

Its likely a problem with the digital storing component, might have gotten shocked/fried by an adaptor plug touching hte chassis.
Just asking tri ac users out there.
What gain do you use on the brit channel before it gets REALLY noisy.
I Grounded my amp no real difference.
Past 2-3 o clock its super noisy.
Care to share? : )
alrite. thanks shredcow. i guess i will be gasing for a new tri ac soon..

one of the reason i got it is because of the convenience of the three channels..

guess its not so convenient after all = (

i really like the tone of tri ac
Its a good pedal but you need to take care and don't let live adaptor plugs touch it. There's really nothing wrong with it. Just take care of it. ;)

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