Tremol-no MO (LATEST UPDATE) TOUCHDOWN! Mini gathering!

Thats why I'm making the order on behalf of all, in the list above.

And I'll only collect the money and place the order when the tremol-no is ready to ship.

List for MO of Tremol-no:
1. Shredcow
2. Blackmoo
3. Kank39
4. mjr
5. snuffleupagus

Blackmoo, are you in?

*Do note the price of the tremol-no is current @ 65USD, shipping is not factored in yet, so except it to hit maybe USD75. Also, I will check with Davis if they will be able to haul some in from AllParts, then compare prices + shipping time.
Guys.. Nothing is confirmed yet. No one knows when the tremol-no is going to be released. So why don't we just add our names to the nice list below so that Shreddy knows who to PM/chase/hang pig heads on the doors of the people who wants it when it's released officially. Costs so far are just estimates, the actual cost can only be determined after we've confirmed the buyers list.

Tremol-no Buyer List:
1. Shredcow
2. Blackmoo
3. Kank39
4. mjr
5. snuffleupagus
6. Karloff

BTW Shred, if you need to split the order, let me know. I'm worried that the order might become so big that custom taxes may be incurred. We don't want to make Singpost richer than what it is already, right? :wink:
Will do so Kank, thanks for the offer. Basically, if the order hits > 400SGD, we have to pay gst. Aside from there, anyone know of any more "hidden" charges?
Tremol-no Buyer List:
1. Shredcow
2. Blackmoo
3. Kank39
4. mjr
5. snuffleupagus
6. Karloff
7. almondx
8. The-Warlord

Eh, can copy and paste or not? :wink:

Looks like there is a pretty big following here so far. It'll only get bigger. Kank, can I enlist your help to figure out shipping and GST costs, when the Event (tremol-no release) comes along?
joining the que, would love to get hold of this gear. do add me on msn to notify me when/where to pass the cash etc. cheers.

Tremol-no Buyer List:
1. Shredcow
2. Blackmoo
3. Kank39
4. mjr
5. snuffleupagus
6. Karloff
7. almondx
8. The-Warlord
9. Paulo
Hey Paulo, I think this Tremol-no is a great piece of gear, you should share it to some of your buddies. Please do. :D I can imagine the pros for a gigging musician.

However, for the list here, we stick to SOFTies only. Can't handle too much.
Yes dive only means that the springs can be pulled but not pushed. The tremol-no will block the bridge from being moved backwards. So detuning your E string will not cause the other strings to go sharp.

From there you can dive downwards but not pull upwards.
I'll be getting one as well.

I know Kevan the developer, I've help him buy a J Custom RG ARCH in the early days of Jemsite and shipped it off to him in US. If you guys are interested I can talk to him about the possibility of a mass order.

How's that?:)

Oh wow.. 10 (including SoulJah) already?! That's fast considering that the thread was only started in the morning. Looks like it's really a MASS order this time.

Shred: I'll take care of the shipping and GST man. I'll try to find the best deal i.e. determine whether it's better to ship the whole bulk in and pay GST and any other custom charges or seperate the order into smaller batches to avoid the GST. Just let me know which supplier you're planning to get from. (unversaljem/eric's guitar/allparts/allparts japan/kevan direct).

SoulJah: It'll be uber cool if you could help us enquire about the mass order from Kevan directly. Maybe he has some in stock with him already so we could get an advance order before everybody else. :wink: Please let us know, ok? Thanks a million Chris!
No problem!

I've been waiting a long time for this product to be fully launched, extremely great idea by Kevan...Ibanez J Custom King...Wish I'd thought of it myself in the first place!

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