TOTO World Tour 2006 (pre-show meet and drink)

let's meet at the enterance 7pm. look for the SOFT banner. Just come up to the table where people collect tickets and shout, "I am a SOFTie!"

I will have a fellow SOFTie wearing the SOFT t-shirt stationed at the ticketing table. Just go up to him and register yourself.
Thanks for this man...

I really appreciate this, I'll be bringing along a control plate cover from my newly acquired luke to let the master sign ;)

we will have a pre-show 'meet and drink' leh. quick quick put your name down and i will arrange.

During the pre-show reception, we will have a lucky pick and 2 SOFTies will get to go backstage to meet the band. The rest will get a signed poster each.

Please put your name down coz I need to arrange for the SOFT VIP list. You got to be a ticket holder. If you haven't got the tickets, do check out the group discount for 5 people @ $60.

2. stewartbass
3. zerosoul79
4. nocturnaldekadence
5. The_Rover
6. SoulJah
7. SoulJah girlfriend
8. gkinsingapore
9. purplehaze3691
10. dewamica
11. NanoShred
12. NanoShred girlfriend
13. DRMP (do i need to buy a ticket first?)
14. mikemann
15. mikemann wife
16. ale79673
17. DullTheater

* the pre-show IS at the concert venue itself (fort canning). we will go in at 7pm, get some drinks at the vip area.
just bring lah.. whoever gets the lucky pick to meet them in person will carry the guitar home oopss i mean to have it signed for you. :)
James thank you so much for this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity!

I got to enjoy and awesome concert, meet my heroes backstage and got the Luke Man himself to sign my guitar! :)

Happiness personified!

Thanks James.

wow, must thank Ross and Laurrieta from LAMC man! we are so honoured to have them supporting SOFT. I will edit my pix and upload them asap. Also must thank Eddie for helping us to take the group photo backstage.
they did Africa for encore at their last SunTec show right?

ha..ha.. my wife keep asking, "why no africa?" after they left the stage second time.

then came the DRUMS!!!! wooohoooo!!! :supz:
Loved how they tricked out most of their songs and melodies. They are really a bunch of musicians a class above many. Great gig for sure. What was the turn out? around 2000 people I reckon?
I loved every moment of it!

Amazing experience to see such world class musicians play onstage together.

Thanks again James!