TOTO World Tour 2006 (pre-show meet and drink)

hey, if got 30 SOFTies, we can have a pre-show 'meet and drink' leh. quick quick put your name down and i will arrange.

During the pre-show reception, we will have a lucky pick and 2 SOFTies will get to go backstage to meet the band. The rest will get a signed poster each.

Please put your name down coz I need to arrange for the SOFT VIP list. You got to be a ticket holder. If you haven't got the tickets, do check out the group discount for 5 people @ $60.

2. stewartbass
3. zerosoul79
4. nocturnaldekadence
5. The_Rover
6. SoulJah
7. SoulJah girlfriend
8. gkinsingapore
9. purplehaze3691
10. dewamica
11. NanoShred
12. NanoShred girlfriend

* the pre-show IS at the concert venue itself (fort canning). we will go in earlier, get some drinks at the vip area.
hey, if got 30 SOFTies, we can have a pre-show 'meet and drink' leh. quick quick put your name down and i will arrange.

During the pre-show reception, we will have a lucky pick and 2 SOFTies will get to go backstage to meet the band. The rest will get a signed poster each.

Please put your name down coz I need to arrange for the SOFT VIP list. You got to be a ticket holder. If you haven't got the tickets, do check out the group discount for 5 people @ $60.

2. stewartbass
3. zerosoul79
4. nocturnaldekadence
5. The_Rover
6. SoulJah
7. SoulJah girlfriend
8. gkinsingapore
9. purplehaze3691
10. dewamica
11. NanoShred
12. NanoShred girlfriend
13. DRMP (do i need to buy a ticket first?)

* the pre-show IS at the concert venue itself (fort canning). we will go in earlier, get some drinks at the vip area.

Yes yes, you need to get the tickets from SIStics. Once you get the tickets, we then go in as the SOFT contigent! ha..ha..

what do we get?

- free drinks
- free autographed poster
- 2 SOFTies will have a chance to go backstage and meet the band
- we get to go in first and have the above 3 items

v sad. gona miss this one.

wanted to go sooo much! but got important lecture on tues on exams stuff sigh!

TOTO!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
hey, if got 30 SOFTies, we can have a pre-show 'meet and drink' leh. quick quick put your name down and i will arrange.

During the pre-show reception, we will have a lucky pick and 2 SOFTies will get to go backstage to meet the band. The rest will get a signed poster each.

Please put your name down coz I need to arrange for the SOFT VIP list. You got to be a ticket holder. If you haven't got the tickets, do check out the group discount for 5 people @ $60.

2. stewartbass
3. zerosoul79
4. nocturnaldekadence
5. The_Rover
6. SoulJah
7. SoulJah girlfriend
8. gkinsingapore
9. purplehaze3691
10. dewamica
11. NanoShred
12. NanoShred girlfriend
13. DRMP (do i need to buy a ticket first?)
14. mikemann
15. mikemann wife

* the pre-show IS at the concert venue itself (fort canning). we will go in earlier, get some drinks at the vip area.

Oh ok, I will go get the tickets then, but what if buy liao not enff 30 softies then cannot have the special?

Actually i was about to give this a miss coz open shop more important, but because softies gathering together, then all the more must go. If not watch DVD on home theatre system can liao .... heheheh

by the way james, I sent you a private message a month ago about something but i never heard from you.
DRMP , you also bring wife along lah! then sure enough 30. ha..ha.. seriously, we will still have small SOFT gathering if we have 25 SOFTies. :lol: PM? ... oops.. i go check and get back to you.

hey, if got 30 SOFTies, we can have a pre-show 'meet and drink' leh. quick quick put your name down and i will arrange.

During the pre-show reception, we will have a lucky pick and 2 SOFTies will get to go backstage to meet the band. The rest will get a signed poster each.

Please put your name down coz I need to arrange for the SOFT VIP list. You got to be a ticket holder. If you haven't got the tickets, do check out the group discount for 5 people @ $60.

2. stewartbass
3. zerosoul79
4. nocturnaldekadence
5. The_Rover
6. SoulJah
7. SoulJah girlfriend
8. gkinsingapore
9. purplehaze3691
10. dewamica
11. NanoShred
12. NanoShred girlfriend
13. DRMP (do i need to buy a ticket first?)
14. mikemann
15. mikemann wife
16. ale79673

* the pre-show IS at the concert venue itself (fort canning). we will go in earlier, get some drinks at the vip area.
any one have not gotten their tix wanna form 5 to get $60 each? Let me know and count me in ... i have not gotten mine yet, very busy foor the past months ....
Sorry must take my name off the list...non toto loving boss has scheduled 6pm meeting, will be lucky to make it for the start of the show.

Maybe I could win the backstage pass as the unluckiest toto loving soft member ;)
Sooooo what time is the pre-session James? Need to know. I'm travelling tomorrow from KL - Singapore already and won't have access to the internet :( Need to plan how to walk from Bencoolen to Fort Canning too :P
