Tokyo Square

Within You'll Remain - Tokyo Swuare Fraud!!

Terima Kaseh Bongman for providing the link to Allmusic and shows Singaporean , The Quest's Vergese as one of the composers other than H. K. Donald !

I wonder , Who is the lyricist?

Ans: The Lyrics are Don Ashley.and so is the Composition which is only shared by "CHYNA' member Peter Wong..NO Reggie Vergese what so ever!
and this has gone FarrrRR Enough. for more details.
Tokyo Square's lead female vox Linda Elizabeth is a good friend who used to stop by YJ every night when we were playing there ...

She mentioned to be she doubts that an original Tokyo Square reunion would ever be likely ...

Linda is now performing 5 nights a week with a piano player at Compass Rose lounge at Westin Stamfford (or whatever its now called) hotel ...