To purchase Music software such as cakewalk,acid pro etc ....


New member
Hi peeps! I would like to make an enquiries abt getting music software in Singapore ...coz its seems not that ez to find store selling all those stuff here....coz i'm into making beats...need help from all of u out there...cheers!
From the title of your thread, you can get some of the softwares at Challenger.

Also, depends on your level of proficiancy with softwares. Anything specific that you tried before?
thanx for the respond peeps ...appreciate it anyway i'm more into cakewalk thingy...thats the bets i had so far....
Get it online. Either from Cakewalk website itself, or try Ebay. With the conversion rate of USD today, you get a very good deal.
For Cakewalk stuff, can try Para-Di as well. they are the local distributors and their prices are pretty good too. very nice folks. i bought my sonar 7PE from them. cheers
hi cheez, i bought it for S$550 thereabouts. cheers

**edit - forgot to mention mine is academic version. :)
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