Tips On Chord Progression


New member
well i just found out the official name for it xD
ummm been working on this for awhile now,though plenty of people say practice makes perfect,i'm going no where,anyone got specific tips and tricks to share?

appreciate it :D
you answered it yourself, practice makes perfect.
just play the usual chord patterns like C G Am F, Em C G D and you'll do great.
after which try out the CAGED method which kinda combines both.
i believe chord progression is hard only because of the lack of finger strength.

just my humble 2 cents worth.
If you know Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, that's probably the first chord progression I ever learnt. Not too hard and it sounds cool :)
well certainly many views on this eh! :D
if you wanna go into theory, maybe for starters you could read up on the diatonic chord progressions/scale. it'll explain why some chords fit in so nicely with each other. :D if you need help you can always pm me, i'll be more than happy to help (:

and well there's always the by-ear method where you just figure that these few chords sound nice together.

what karlie said ! plus it helps learn the I-IV-V progression in every key and then start adding chord embellishments from there.