Tips for learning the guitar by myself?

I feel the same way too, troubled by the lack of progress, spend so much time noddling around without proper practice and worst still incorporate bad habits and tension. Then 6 months ago i stumble upon the site which totally provide an enlightening experience whereby i start to see the light of my mistakes. The website contains a wealth of information so do take ur time to read through it and understand them properly. Most important of all is to practice properly, start slowly with a metronome and speed up only when you can play comfortably and clean at a slow tempo, this will require patience and focus. I still visit the website often to review my understanding of the techniques and now i have this phrase "Tension is Killer, Learn to control before speed" running in my head whenever i practice. :D

I am still not a good guitarist cos i have to destroy all my past mistakes and relearn things properly but i feel happier to discover this truth. So all the best to u to..

Below are also some resources i feel may be helpful:

i was playing rhythm guitars in a band long time ago for quite awhile until i stumble upon an old guitar store in australia.. and bought this guidebook called "learn how to play lead guitar" a front cover picture with a nice fender strat.. thats when i start to learn how to improvise..(coz the book focus MAINLY on improvisation and techniques). they even explained how to do a vibrato.. so i was like bending strings for a few weeks continuously heheh.. the tabs were very big and clear.. not confusing at all.. so yeah it was a good book.. worth every buck.. ill try to search for it online and let you guys know of the link.. maybe u could pick it up somewhere..