If there are young players who can make it in the pub scene, they're already in there. Addy Cradle from Jive Talking is an example.
I respect Addy for the simple fact that he loves to play music and he works hard to ensure that he can continue to play music and earn a decent living at the same time. Whatever he does, he makes sure that it always revolves around music. He doesn't fall back on a 9-5 office job to pay the bills and I respect that. If you wanna make a name for yourself, you have to sacrifice a lot but sad to say, this mindset is not a common one amongst young musicians.
Most young bands today are content with the fact that they have their day jobs to fall back on if the music doesn't work out and smart as this may seem, having that sense of security will kill your drive to want to make it in music.
If as a band you're content with being Sunday morning jammers or playing your 'own stuff' in your bedrooms, then why even bother

And this has always pissed me off to no end. I always hear the 'established' local original bands say that it is possible to play music in Singapore and that young, up and coming bands should persevere and not give up easily. Ok, how about you guys play music FULL-TIME instead of going back to the comfort of your day jobs as teachers or insurance agents or what have you and then you can preach to others about playing music in SG

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