Time for a change in the Club Scene; Rise of the Young guns!!

If there are young players who can make it in the pub scene, they're already in there. Addy Cradle from Jive Talking is an example.

I respect Addy for the simple fact that he loves to play music and he works hard to ensure that he can continue to play music and earn a decent living at the same time. Whatever he does, he makes sure that it always revolves around music. He doesn't fall back on a 9-5 office job to pay the bills and I respect that. If you wanna make a name for yourself, you have to sacrifice a lot but sad to say, this mindset is not a common one amongst young musicians.

Most young bands today are content with the fact that they have their day jobs to fall back on if the music doesn't work out and smart as this may seem, having that sense of security will kill your drive to want to make it in music.

If as a band you're content with being Sunday morning jammers or playing your 'own stuff' in your bedrooms, then why even bother :confused:

And this has always pissed me off to no end. I always hear the 'established' local original bands say that it is possible to play music in Singapore and that young, up and coming bands should persevere and not give up easily. Ok, how about you guys play music FULL-TIME instead of going back to the comfort of your day jobs as teachers or insurance agents or what have you and then you can preach to others about playing music in SG :rolleyes:
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Addy cradle is not new in the music industry. I considered myself almost a veteran lah...and Addy was already in the industry during my time. Hehehehe!! Yeah...he worked hard and he's not like any of us who has a daytime career. Admire him though. Can I be considered a young musician too? Hehehehe!! Ok..ok...just kidding.
Ok, how about you guys play music FULL-TIME instead of going back to the comfort of your day jobs as teachers or insurance agents or what have you and then you can preach to others about playing music in SG :rolleyes:

Fair point ... No doubt it takes guts to do this in SG - being a cari makan muso ... especially when you have families to feed. Gig 6 months/ no gig 9 months then gig 3 months /no gig 9 months etc etc ... right now all I am is a simple musical worker churning out material I somewhat enjoy (thank god I dont have to pay top 40s) to a rather appreciateive crowd and club management. I am enjoying two full incomes while many of my cari makan peers are struggling to even get a regular 1 to 2 nights gig. Things can and will change in the blink of an eye. This economic situation thingy is proof of that - ask any working muso.

Only the "expirienced" among us can preach bro ..... those of us who have "walked the line" can "talk the talk";) ... this I learned from my musical elders.... me...why I'm just a newbie
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Can I be considered a young musician too?

bro - U are 25 & I'm 24 ...we are already over the hill sua tuah lah beb:rolleyes::mrgreen: ... young caterpillar maybe we can consider ourselves lah

courtesy message for boonz:
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has anyone seen how older dogs n cats treat kittens and puppies, or the perils of bein a young grizzly bear? thats the way of the world don;t expect any favours from nobody esp when one's rice bowl or even extra income is threatened...........plus u gotta be good enuff to just blow the competition away..........

few young turks make it to the top and when they finally do they will make sure the younger 'uns dun makan them ahahahaha!!!!
to theliverevolution

sadly, it grows on most people, and they want to hear their favourite songs again and again, and it falls on us, as entertainers, to entertain them, however annoying it may be, because that's what it means to be professional. That's if you want a job at a club.

too true - reminds me of the time I was in this chow country band every request also must play according to bandleader. My personal record: Hotel California 5 times in a single night!

hhahaaa I prolly have to play it again 2nite .....
eh? how come got my pic? lol

revolution eh... lol
its not goin to be easy... even gd cari makan bands are having a hard time finding jobs...
like my cari makan band for instance (nt saying we r gd la), its reli tough for us to play regularly...
too true - reminds me of the time I was in this chow country band every request also must play according to bandleader. My personal record: Hotel California 5 times in a single night!

hhahaaa I prolly have to play it again 2nite .....

i WAs ******* right ... :mad:
That's why for myself, I don't have a fixed band for now. Friends of musicians who's in the circuit may call me to ask to relief them from time to time. I'm not pressured to practice and play numbers originally. Only thing, I have to update myself with the trend of today's music that people wants. Basically, the new music of today are simplier in a way like how the chords progression runs and the arrangements are quite standard. Am not a pro though but usually a pro-blem as I don't remember chords. So, I whack only lah. Solo...just 'goreng' ah...hehehehe!!

But still friends call me for relief. Don't know lah....I'm just happy doing that and I don't wanna have headache having a band. In my free time...I just jam for fun with some softies and friends.

That's exactly the problem with the young musicians today. They all place so much importance on playing their 'own stuff' that they think playing in a good cover band is 2nd rate or of a lesser class. Like it's beneath them or something :rolleyes:

Not really. Its just that if you play covers, people will always compare you with the original band. It's not that I detest playing covers, but usually there is only so much freedom that playing in a cover band gives you. And as I've said, they tend to play Top 40s. Not that its no good, but it gives more income stability. I'm not one who listens much to Top 40s cause I find it irritating that radio always repeats itself like at least 5 to 6 times a day, and if I do that I'll go mad.

Seriously, we've heard enough of Top 40s It's fine but its just being overdone!
(Off-side, my mates and I were bored during guard duty. Over 24 hours we counted the no. of times a particular Top 40 song was played. It was played... like... 12 times over the 24 hour period.)

what happens when your 'own stuff' becomes popular and everyone keeps playing it on their mp3, radio, gig, pub and shopping centre?

hmm... nv thought about that one
well if you can play it a cover, and play it well, what's wrong with people comparing it to the original?
suffice to day if you're doing it for the money.. beggars can't be choosers.

yes true but tats wat the club owner wants. and also for the customers. i dun reli like doin top 40s either but its cari makan. its like tat.
imagine if my band insist on doin originals,then i think the percentage of us getting kicked out of the contract is 99.9%
can do ur band's ori (if u have)... but not so frequent. the customers want to hear wat they want. but it can be fun at times... wen got request like metallica,iron maiden lol

other than tat, i just enjoy the music n have fun on stage n watch the hot babes n guys dance
other places

hi. other than bars/pubs/clubs/taverns where else can bands play and get paid? just wondering. :mrgreen:

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