Seriously, it is both the bands and the organisers fault that we keep talking about these issues. About the organisers, i think we ve all heard the usual "sell tickets", "cover rent and all the other expenses" blah blah. (by the way i personally never believed in FORCE selling of tickets, i.e. making the bands pay)
But, MANY MANY bands
ESPECIALLY NOWADAYS are at fault too. Why?
I can guarantee you that in all these 30 tickets selling small time gigs, at least half of all the bands are in for the wrong reasons. They are NO WHERE NEAR good enough, but they want to be "in the scene". Yes these days its like knowing a band or being in a band is the in-thing. Therefore, the suckiness of overall bands increases dramatically.
Despite sounding horrendous, instead of focusing on practising and getting tight for a year or so, they all jump into these small time gigs after like what a month, where most likely almost all the rest of the bands sound like ass too. With such bad quality bands playing at gigs, it really is no suprise to me that some organisers end up using these tactics.
Think about it, the so called "trusted gigs" like deafcon, weekend trip, invasion and all, the quality of bands are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY higher than the rest of the gigs. They dont
force the bands to sell tickets either (not that i know of at least, and i hope im right

So instead of JUST blaming the organisers, many MANY so called "bands" should be at fault too, for wanting to gig for the wrong reasons when they dont even sound like a band.
Wow long post. My p.o.v., would be interested to hear from any agree-ers/disagree-ers.