The worst thing you've done to someone.


New member
Suddenly felt very guilty lol. I painted my friend's nails when he was asleep, trimmed off his eyebrow, and creamed his whole face with toothpaste.

Share your experience, what's the worst thing you've done to someone ?
HAHAHAHAH wah that guy must be damn sad to wake up and see trimmed eyebrows and painted nails man. he must be thinking "wah....i slept a man and woke up gay with cream all over my face?! WTH*@(!*!#!@" LOL. i cant think of any bad things i've done to someone cos there's too many to name. hahaha:twisted:
ohhk i got one ready. there was one time in secondary skool, we actually filled my fren's bag with water. lol i dunno wat the hell we were thinking back then. LOL

i remember putting onions i kopped from home econs class and putting it into my friend's stank to high heavens a week

and we put laxatives into my friend's water bottle during a school soccer tournament.tsk,that was fun.
erm,shoved my palm onto someone's neck and he went down crying during a street football competition in school and that dude was my
My keyboardist had her eyelashes wiped out when she used my lighter :/ Not my fault lah, I like flaring up the flames on lighters..

I have this occasional habit of burning my friends' hair when I'm bored. :P
My keyboardist had her eyelashes wiped out when she used my lighter :/ Not my fault lah, I like flaring up the flames on lighters..

I have this occasional habit of burning my friends' hair when I'm bored. :P

wah paing eh ...ARSONIST SIAL!
hahhaha the lighter trick. fun sia! i normally 'modify' my lighters so that the flames are extra huge. then when my frens use it without knowing, they'll get a shock of their lives. hahahhaa:twisted:
My keyboardist had her eyelashes wiped out when she used my lighter :/ Not my fault lah, I like flaring up the flames on lighters..

I have this occasional habit of burning my friends' hair when I'm bored. :P


Now we all know who to stay away from, don't we :D
I remember strangling my bestfriend cause she pissed me off so bad. But that was when i had really bad anger management.
I also remember kicking some kid's stomach cause that lovelovelovelovelove stole my brother's swing at the playground. Wahahahaha.
And i remember punching some boy's ear although i can't remember why. But his ear bled.
Told you i had anger management issues...
punched a girl in p1, kicked guys balls, humiliating people, pinching their nipples, etc etc.

I think the worst thing was to betray someone's trust.
I poured potassium dichromate on my friend's uniform in the lab.

The orange stain turned yellow, then white. Now it can't be washed off.
sprayed ammonia into someones eyes, set someone's hair on fire and i poured a cup of coke over this asshole's head in the macdonalds.
when i was much younger and i didn't think about my actions. (not that i'm very old now though)
You won't beat me, I knew ammonium compounds with a healthy mix of butane from the bunsen burner was highly explosive. So while I was having a science practical, and having finished the experiment, I decided to have some fun. I mixed in the ingredients, in an empty ammonia reagent bottle (means theres gaseous ammonia left in there), filled it up with bunsen burner gas, and ignited the mix. BANG, there was a damn loud explosion, luckily the bottle didn't explode as all the hot gases escaped from the open top...
i poured coke on some dude's head when he bullied me...

i threw a bottle of water at my friend but it hit someone and he had to go for hospital for his back got fractured...

i farted at my friend's face many time.. hahaha

and i always blame my friend for whatever wrong i did so he always got punished!! hahaha

all those were the good ol sec and pri sch days...