the shameless how much i spend on my guitar gear thread

-fender tele MIA - 1200
-cadenza - 500
-ariana classical MIJ - free :)
-vantage LESPAUL copy - 300

-zoom gfx8 - 800
-boss DS-1 - 80
-artec delay pedal -95

-peavey rage 158 - found on the streets - FREE



HOLY COW. $3125 this is badbadbad
(the following prices are based on vague remembrance)
ESP F-10 guitar package - $400
modification of bridge and pickups - $450
Digitech Metal Master = $220
Zoom G1X - $130
CryBaby 535Q - $200
TGM aquistic guitar - $120?
Samich classical guitar - $175
Total =~ $1695

Getting friends to tell you "whoa nice axe man" - PRICELE$$
Same here. I hardly even shop now. Sadded. :(

ShredCow, i totaled up all the numbers you listed... That's a hell lot of cash spent... But well spent. Hehehe.
my turn!


1. my first guitar, a cort g250 (i upgraded the pickups to fender single coils and a dimarzio breed bridge ) - $280 + $80 + $100 = $460 (FOR SALE!!!)
2. Carvin DC150 - $800
3. Epiphone Casino - $600
4. 90s Gibson Es-335 std - $2.9k
5. 05 Gibson SG JR reissue - $1.1k (just got it 2 days ago)

subtotal : 5910


1. pedaltrain pro - $250 (i'm quite sure it is).
2. cables and shit - $200 (quite sure i spent at least $200 on george Ls)
3. PocketPOD - $190
4. Teese RMC 2 Wah - $400
5. Digitech Synth wah - $100
6. MXR Phase 90 - $90
7. Vexter Fuzz Factory - $220
8. Boss PH-2 (MIJ) Phaser - $150
9. Boss PH-2 (MIT) Phaser - $100
10. Teese Fk1 Compressor - $220
11. Boss BD-2 Bluesdriver (Keeley Mod) - $200
12. OM Labs Sahasrara OD - $200 (not exactly but i got it in a trade, from a keeley ts9 which i paid $200 for)
13. MI audio Crunchbox - $200
14. Dr Scientist Tremolessence Trem - $220
15. Boss CE-2 - $150
16. Ibanez De-7 - $65
17. DOD FX90 Analog Delay - $100

Subtotal: 3055


Tuner: Boss (its the needle one. i can't remember what its called) - $90
Metronome: Korg - $70

Subtotal: $160


Laney LC15R - $460? (i bought it in hk, my exchange rate conversion might be wrong).

TOtal: $9585

zomg. i didn't know i spent so much.
hehe, if we look from another direction, remembering how much we spend on gear(everything listed out), is prolly a sign that we have not buy enough to actually forgotten how much we have spent

so, theres still hope for us and we shud buy more!
that's very true. but the list i just came up with, is definitely not exhaustive. heck, i dont' even have time to play the guitars. its like, me wanting to work more sometimes to buy new gear, becomes me buying more stuff to compensate myself for working. working is enjoyable plus buying gear itself is fun. i wish i play as well as i deserve the gear!
to be fair, i think must indicate clearly if one is a hobbyst or working musician.

Having an top of the line expensive rig is healty if you generate more money out of it :D (but strangely enough, gigging musicians that I know or I know of, tend to use simpler gear :D)
Kapok classical guitar =RM50
TGM electric guitar =RM400
Laney HCM10 =RM250
Ibanez SA160 =RM950
Zoom 505II =RM100
Behringer Hellbabe =RM160
Timtone acoustic guitar=RM185
Total =RM2095

Hmm,I'm not spending enough.Must spend moar!

  1. Ibanez JEM77BFP - Sold
  2. Ibanez 440R - Lost this. If anyone has one and wants to sell, let me know.
  3. Hohner headless (dunno model name, but I liked this one) - Sold
  4. Ibanez JPM90HAM - Sold
  5. Fender MIM Robert Cray Series - Sold
  6. Epiphone Slash LP - Sold
  7. Epiphone LP Custom - Sold
  8. Ibanez RG1077XL
  9. Fender CIJ ST68 - Sold
  10. Fender American Deluxe - Sold
  11. Fender AVRI 62 - Sold
  12. Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Sunburst
  13. Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Black - Sold
  14. Ernieball Musicman John Petrucci 6 Mystic Dream
  15. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette piezo - Sold
  16. Ibanez Andy Timmons AT300 - Sold
  17. Edwards LP98LTS - Sold
  18. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette 20th Anniversary Maple trem flame
  19. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette 20th Anniversary RW piezo trem flame
  20. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette 20th Anniversary RW hardtail quilt
  21. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette Special HSS Limited Edition 2008 Seqouia Gold - Incoming
  22. Ernieball Musicman Albert Lee Tobacco burst
  23. Ernieball Musicman John Petrucci 7 Mystic Dream - Planning
  24. Fender partsocaster with 3lbs ash body and qtrsawn flame neck - Being built
25. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette Special White Rosewood SSS
26. Ernieball Musicman Silhouette Graphite Pearl Rosewood - Planning...:twisted:
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1. Schroeder TSC (coming soon)
2. Gretsch White Falcon
3. Gretsch 6120DSW
4. Gibson Historic '57 Les Paul goldtop
5. Gibson Les Paul Special TV Yellow
6. Gibson Les Paul Standard 1978
7. 1988 PRS Custom 24 '10' top
8. Warmoth 1965 Strat replica
9. Van Zandt STVR custom strat
10.G&L ASAT Classic

11. Gibson J45 reissue
12. Larrivee OM-FM
13. Takamine Japan PT105
14. Taylor Baby-M
15. Yamaha DW4SC

Amps: 1967 Blackface Fender Super Reverb, Marshall Handwired 2061X 20-watt halfstack, Tech 21 Power Engine 60.

Effects: RMC Picture wah, Sweetsound Mojovibe, 3 Menatones (KOTB, TBIAC & Kar Krash), EH Micro POG, Peterson Strobostomp, Xotic RC Booster, Empress Tremolo v2, Boss DD20 Giga Delay, Canare GS4/6 cables.

total: i don't wanna know!!! :(
Ernie Ball MusicMan John Petrucci = $2600
Fender 1957 Vintage Hot Rod With Lindy Fralins Vintage Hot & Telecaster Mod = $2900
Cort Acoustic Guitar = $450

Hughes & Kettner Triamp MK I = $2100
Marshall 2x12 Speakers with Celestion Vintage 30s = $700

Boss DS1 (Randolf Mod) = $180
Boss SD1 (Randolf Mod) = $150
Boss BD2 (Randolf Mod) = $180
Boss MT2 (Randolf Mod) = $150
Boss CS3 (Randolf Mod) = $150
Boss DD20 = $280
Boss TU2 = $120
Boss RV5 = $180
Boss FV50H = $70
Line 6 MM4 = $350
Dunlop 535Q = $250
Hughes & Kettner Triamp Footswitch - Comes with the amp
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Hardly got time to play nowadays.....thus massive downsizing. So it's down to 1 guitar, 1 amp and 1 pedal - something I can live with! ;)

Guitar: '92 Gibson Les Paul Custom Plus (highly upgraded) - around $4k
Amp: '96 Matchless Chieftain 112 Combo - $4k
Effects: CustomTones Ethos Overdrive - $600

Total: $8.6k

Still up for sale: my PRS Custom 22 - see link below :D

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