The New Paper Dated 25 Feb 09, page 9

Huh. I've made many deals like that before, and so far nothing has happened.

Or maybe perhaps cause it was seriously non-peak hours, stations were pretty empty...
Hey hey, lets just say non of us saw this thread and non of us read that article.

"I don't know anything! just passing stuff to friend!"
And famous quote of the decade!

"The purpose of the rapid transit system is to transport passengers"

he just had to do it before the decade's over! words of intense wisdom indeed! :twisted:
Exactly what I thought, why must everything be smacked with a fine when the offence is not even life-threatening to anyone?:confused:

They probably just want a few more cents from dealers...
I don't see why it should be of anyone's business to care. I don't see it as an obstruction to anyone. My deals are usualy small.. 1-3 cds... Never beyond that... So if i were to get find for such transaction, then it's pretty dumb...
Actually, yes:

18. No person, not being a passenger or having business in or in connection with the Authority or its licensee or its tenant, shall loiter or remain in or upon any part of the railway premises.

So all those people at City Hall should be fined $500...

tats gd business!!! u can earn up to 6digits or maybe tons more at 1 station everyday!!!

woo hoo!!!

dumb dumb rules. but wat the heck... rules are reli meant to be broken
MRT are losing money seriously, they need fines to push up their monthly revenue. If not, why wait until April to reduce the transport cost? It's not even March now, and recession are already ruining everyone's life, maybe not us directly, but our parents sure are feeling the crunch.

April?? They claimed they want to ease the burden of transportation, but why so reluctant to implement such a rule? They can begin on March, there's ample time for them to change the system bearing in mind that the the move was made public like 2 or 3 weeks ago?

Maybe they just hope that one of us press the emergency button and got fined for $5000, then they are super duper
I think MRT personnel can't really be bothered over this rule. They have better and important things to do e.g. lookout for suspicious persons and ensure passengers safety.

Dealing w/o having to exit the gate not only safe money but also time for both parties. Just make sure you do it at a corner that won't obstruct passenger flow.
If you didn't already know how most rules in Singapore work, here it is:

The rule is there, but is only enforced when there is a need.

Case 1: Most of you us go to the side and quickly and without fuss exchange goods and money. Most of us are left alone by the staff. You guys said it yourself, never got stopped before.

Case 2: Some idiot might actually stand right where the gate is, blocking the 100 commuters behind him during peak hour. As in the news report. Take note some stations don't really have a much of a "side barrier" to stand at, e.g Clementi.

The rule is there to prevent Case 2. If there wasn't such a rule, then these guys can happily stand there blocking everyone's way and you'll have a thread here about the idiot standing there causing you to be late for work/school and why doesn't MRT do anything about it.
The rule is there, but is only enforced when there is a need.

If there wasn't such a rule, then these guys can happily stand there blocking everyone's way and you'll have a thread here about the idiot standing there causing you to be late for work/school and why doesn't MRT do anything about it.

Spot on.. ;)

I had a deal closed at Jurong East MRT ystrdy, at abt 5.30pm..
No problem at all, the MRT lady in the Control Center saw us and just let us be..
as much as we are unaware of such a rule, the mrt staffs may be unfamiliar with it as well.

besides, they will probably ignore u unless they receive complaints. imagine the kind of trouble and paperwork they have to do, just to catch you during your brief meeting with the dealer.

btw, i am still a believer of "nothing is illegal unless u r caught". so just deal promptly and subtlely and they probably will not notice you.
all the frontline staff actually have to know those. Heh, just depend on whether some are kind enough to "pang chance" or sibey on. Oh well, like some mentioned, theres better things to do then to "on" for such thing.

oh, and nope, some of the fines, money doesnt go to mrt, but LTA...
i guess its only logical, it applies to everywhere not even in mrt stations
who in the right frame of mind would block other's path just to meet & deal.. right?
That rule is really lame and uncalled for. I guess SMRT aint making enough from their fare hikes in the recent months.

I was once stopped by this transit security personnel, an old man who told me not to stand too close to the metal barrier (i was in the paid area). I was dealing my DD3 and the guy dint bring small change so i was waiting for him to get change. I just said, "uncle, i just wanna pass something to my friend ah" and he politely obliged and told me that he was just reminding me not to stay there for too long. I wasnt obstructing any traffic.

This happened last year, i wonder what will happen if the scenario above was repeated now.
I actually personally encountered such an incident when selling off one of my items.

Buyer and I were on opposite sides of the barrier, all was well until he walked over to the control station to split up a $50 bill.

The staff then reminded us that we couldn't make such transactions in the MRT station's premises, I was a little taken aback but she allowed us to finish the deal.
I think they won't fine you unless you're really blocking traffic and if its extremely peak hours, just perhaps give you a warning about it the most, if not they bo chup you

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