The Line 6 Fan thread, heh...


New member
I'm in a dilemma whether to put this in the guitar or sound section, but decided to put it here cos I don't want people who frequent both sections to miss out on this thread.

I am a huge Line 6 fan. Seriously. Some stuff that they produce are questionable to say the least, but on the whole they are a fine example of how far digital technology can take you.

I'm a proud owner of the Toneport KB37 and Ubermetal stompbox and will pounce on the chance to purchase the M-13 stomp modeller when they finally release it. In the meantime, I am trying my best to avoid the impulse to get Tonecore units like Roto-Machine and Otto Filter or modellers like FM-4 and MM-4 (damn those sound samples! :evil:)

I don't even need to say about the POD series. I think there are plenty of softies who swear by them, heh.

Anyway, I just saw that they have a new product out:
Line 6 - Digital Wireless

Line 6 users/lovers/haters: Leave thoughts here.
Yeah Im a fan too.
Proud owner of 2 of their amps. Used to own dl4,mm4,dm4.
Only problem itll take a huge pedal board+ the weight + individual power supplies for each.

Can't wait for the m13.
Only problem itll take a huge pedal board+ the weight + individual power supplies for each.

Ugh.. the individual power supply ish... I really hope they can come up with a daisy chain equivalent or something. One of the major annoyance with their line of products.

Which amps do you own?
their wireless has been around for quite a while already, just under different names. it was marketed under the Xwire brand, then X2. line6 just acquired the technology to sell :)
Hmm.. so they bought over the product or something? Cos I don't remember seeing it featured on the website before... or am I the one who didn't look properly? :-X
Ahh.. then it is a business move on their part. It'll be interesting to see how Line 6 is gonna develop it further. :)

Wish they will start looking at possibilities outside of guitar technology. Line 6 drum machine = I WANT! heh :mrgreen:
Yeah Line6 products are pretty excellent. I'm glad they reduced the weight of their docks. It used to be able to bash someone's brains out. Now it just leaves a nasty bruise.

Love the Verbzilla, DL4 and Echo Park!
does the floorpod count? if it does, it rocks! haha though its quite limited, i like how recording sounds with it haha. i used to think the Spider IIs were good as well. haha
I'm glad they reduced the weight of their docks...

They are heavy as shyte already! You mean they were heavier? :o

Love the Verbzilla, DL4 and Echo Park!

Heh, The DL 4 has become a classic, aye? Ironic with all the tube and analog tone frenzy.

You just had to mention the Verbzilla. I'm already gassing on enough of their other modules already :p

Echo Park, though... it's mentioned that it's based on the DL 4. So how are they significantly different in terms of tone?

does the floorpod count? if it does, it rocks!

It counts ;). I think PODs, especially the versions earlier than POD XT are a little misunderstood, cos most people mistaken them for multi fx rather than amp modellers. I personally think there is a difference in amplication for both.

I've been eying on the FM-4 for pretty long...

If I get it first I let you try.. and vice versa. Can? :mrgreen:
The POD XT Live offered by Line 6 is really something.. Couple with their Toneport and Wharfdale speakers, they sound really killer..
Their EchoPark is also a cool gadget.. Fun to tinker with.. But for pure delay, there are better units at cheaper prices..

But that's about all Line 6 stuff I like.. Their amps are one of the worst I've tried.. Cater towards high-gain, but don't do too well in that aspect either! :rolleyes:
But that's about all Line 6 stuff I like.. Their amps are one of the worst I've tried.. Cater towards high-gain, but don't do too well in that aspect either! :rolleyes:

Lol, well I'm not a fan of their amps, though I don't hate them either. Maybe get one as practice amp, or make use of the not so nice tone for industrial music, or bring it to gig purposely just to give a pseudo-middle finger to all the Marshall/Mesa acolytes etc etc.

As you can see, they still have their use :mrgreen:
I'm a fan of Line6 modulation, but not for their drives though. Their modulation is damn funky and whacky la, all their functions is enough to leave you just playing with them for days. Can pretty much get out-of-the-world sounds. Cool.

Their drives however, seem to be... thin. Not a fan though, sadly.

These seems to be the talk of the town for line 6 amps.
A proud owner of a FloorPOD myself, though its high-gain tones I find nothing spectacular, but good enough. I also have a Uber Metal (though its with my friend at the moment). Was satisfied with both, but the Uber Metal seems to easily loses out to a lot of other high-gain distortion pedals I've tried.

Their MFX processors are a different matter, people swear by them!
Yep I think Line6 still has a ways to go in terms of amp simulation. Tech21 still occupies the throne for me in that respect.

THOA, the stompboxes were way heavier. The docks were heavy AND noisy.

The Echopark and DL-4 are pretty much the same in terms of "tone", just that DL-4 has more nifty functions like an exp pedal out and excellent looper.

The FM-4 is seriously awesome, regretted selling it. The seekwah function and throbbing helicopter settings were top notch to me.
Amp simulator wise, I find Digitech's the most appealing to me, but I've never really heard the clean tones so can't be sure. I find my FloorPOD's overdrive simulations excellent, though, especially classic (red) which emulates a Marshall Plexi. Of the higher-gain tones, the Treadplate (green) is good enough, but insane (both red and green) is like noise to my ears.

I like the expression pedal, I can use it for a slower tremolo effect when on volume mode, because for the FloorPOD you can't use tremolo and chorus at the same time.

Forgot to add, my Uber Metal (its quite old) is really heavy. I could throw it at someone's head and I'll be arrested for brutal murder.
THOA: Steady! I doubt i'll get it soon though... $$:(

One of the few reasons i didn't get the POD multi efx was because of the reviews i read. A lot of them mentioned that the parts start to fall and pop out within weeks and months of usage. anyone experienced that?