the latest trend in the music industry for teenagers


New member
hey fellow softies,

i'm currently doing some school assignment.
the topic which i was given is "Discuss the latest trends in the music industry for teenagers."

so tell me what do you think is the latest trends in the music industry for teenagers since we can see that the local scene is growing.

i would be happy and thankful if you could share your opinions on this related topicc.

thank you in advance =))
The core scene, alot of people are going into the core thing now-a-days. not like its a bad thing, but many people are dissing it. Metalcore and so on. You can see this what, all around the gigs and concerts forum, alot of such threads are emerging, i guess this is partly due to the explosion of such bands in other countries too.

just my 2cents
WAHAHA SMART BOY/GIRL!! Posting this on soft is like checking the model answer sheet for ur question man. haha. Im doing this for the sake of ur own future and NOT giving u the ans.:twisted:
yeahh, i agree with the whole core scene thing and indie (honestly idk why its called indie when its getting popular by the second)...mehh..
and there are people like me who stick to Jrock/Visual Kei.
good luck. it is bloody hard topic to score on.
Any projects that revolves around the local music scene is bloody hard to score because of the lack of objective evidence.
Nowsdays those emo days are gone, But instead now is those Core (Deathcore,Thrashcore)??? I was like wth????lots of local new band also play all this deathcore nowsdays.........
There'll be alot of streotypes being thrown around.

Plus on Soft is filled with musicians, and from what I've seen, musicians tend to not be " your average teen " in music. ( I know, ironic, I'm sterotyping )
I'm experiencing deja vu:

All asking for opinions for their paper. Maybe somebody should write something out for people to download and hand in?

Sorry if I sound rude, but it's the kind of thing that has been discussed to death. You only have to dig through the different threads in the forum to know the opinions people have on music and Singapore. Even though the context might be different to each thread, the consensus are nearly the same, right?

Any projects that revolves around the local music scene is bloody hard to score because of the lack of objective evidence.

It is even harder to get objective evidence when all the 'evidence' come from opinions of anonymous individuals in a forum, with a good percentage of them, hardly having the credo or backed by experience to give an objective opinion (myself included).

Maybe speaking to the individuals who matter would be a better idea? Have a list of people whom can give you that added value, influence or experience in the scene and look for these people for a one on one session (ie interview) for the purpose of your paper. Do not confine yourself to one specific genre; there is a scene in every genre (rock, hiphop, electronica), and there are the head figures who stand out in each of them. Of course, back this up with your own research from books, or web.

In short, don't just cast a net, and take any fish that it gives and be happy with it. You want value to your work, seek the best catch.
sorry. din't realise that there were this kind of thread till i actually scroll down.

well, the project was about posting this question on the discussion forum and then take a screenshot to show Proof that the student actually participate in the discussion forum regarding the topic itself. well at least i can tell that many of the softies from course actually chose the same question..
Well, cool. Then I would suggest that the participation be tied in to just one single thread where all those who are researching for such paper can basically share their thoughts and opinions as well, rather than just taking them. If it's the same info you are looking for then share itwith your other mates. This is an open forum. No exclusivity in what transpires here.

Anyway, wouldn't it be nice to see that all of you under one screenshot? It will make your institution proud, I would think.
Some tips:

Modes of Entry:
Relatively affordable to buy an instrument and attend classes.
There are plenty of music shops catered for this market.
Music schools are everywhere, teens join them as a hobby.

Music and Culture:
Onset of MTV, Cpop, Kpop, commercialization and music.
The start of KBox for teenagers to gather for karaoke sessions

Music and Local scene:
Radio stations support local music
Gigs in major clubs, including a major one at MOS in December 2006 sponsored by Nokia.

I am sure you can score well in your topic, just have to do more research and take notice of the things around you ^^
hah not really. been with soft since long ago until i dont remember what username i used previously. good tips and a nice place to look for bands mates who contanstly leaving the banddddddd. anyway thanks for the help.. i will refer to the other threads.

so i guess time to close this thread..
hah not really. been with soft since long ago until i dont remember what username i used previously. good tips and a nice place to look for bands mates who contanstly leaving the banddddddd. anyway thanks for the help.. i will refer to the other threads.

so i guess time to close this thread..

Agree with you on the tips part. However, i'm sure there are many good bands formed thru' soft and play good music too.

And is the other guy that posted the same thing before you your classmate or something? lol.