The Gender Issue


New member
I've been reading post about female musicians and stuff and people asking about if they are good,awesome what so ever.

It don't matter what gender people are
You may be a transvestite for all I care
But as long as you can play the god damn instrument
You are good
Just because you don't hear or see too many female guitarist or drummers or bassist or whatever, you judge their credibility.
Gender don't matter

Is there still people out there who think gender is an issue
Come right up!

Ouh,by the way
I'm a guy!
Straight by the way
HEES ^_^
QUITE TRUE ACTUALLY! doesnt really matter kaaannn wannor? LOL. fee loves you. LOL!. raandom...anyway. gender dun matter lah. LOL. hehehes. you told me to put here that i'm you're wifey. muhahaha. so the whole world knows. girls and guys same lah...the skills only may vary a bit from person to person. WEE!
i agree. lols. if a guy and a girl starts off learning an instrument together at the same time and the girl practices alot, im sure the girl would be better than the guy.
i agree. lols. if a guy and a girl starts off learning an instrument together at the same time and the girl practices alot, im sure the girl would be better than the guy.

yea guys the morale of the story is practice a lot too you don't want to lose to the girls, or your gf, or your wife
skill-wise i doubt there's a difference between girls and guys. it's just in the nature of the diff genders to be interested in different things! hence, fewer female guitarists, bassists, drummers, etc...

in the end it boils down to passion and practice.
gender issues

point noted but some things guys are well known to be better at-dun u agree?but gender is never a problem.trans are out for me.haha!
and also known as A Guy's Ego

Haha yeah I was just going to say this whole issue is about the male ego. A male sees a female drummer (especially drumming, I don't know why) and instantly the stereotypical thought of 'that girl probably can't play for shit' will come up in his head.

Even if she is really good, somehow he'll find bad points or create imaginary bad points. Weird people, guys.
maybe the reason why people look for band members of a certain gender is cause they wanna follow the line-up of a band they like. just a guess. but yea gender doesn't mean anything to me. i've seen female guitarists who are a million times better than me. lol
Yeah. But as more mixed gender bands start to appear, we are starting to see a change in trends with more bands actually WANTING female guitarist in their band to maybe play well. But mainly the only reason why some bands even take girls in is because they need that vocal edge, not because of skill.
and if u take someone in just cos of gender and not skill, thats the whole point y theres all that stuff abt gender, its really simple. not that there arent any good female musicians, just that either most girls dont try hard enough or they dont have it.
Maybe those girls who don't try hard enough have other passions... like shopping, lol. (kidding) I think it's a preference though. Male or female, anyone who doesn't care enough to put in the effort won't become great regardless.

I live by my guitar and I'm a girl =) Probably the best thing that has happened to me is learning how to play it. I don't really care how others see a girl guitarist because I play for myself and not for those prejudice people anyway. Skills speak for themselves.
Ok... Here's a little nugget for you guys to chew on.

While some will say it doesn't matter, have you considered if Avril Lavigne was a guy? Would he be cool then?

If Orianthi was a guy? Hell, he's be judged far more critically. I'm not saying she can't play. She can definately slay me anytime. But like I said, if she was a guy, I wouldn't be THAT impressed. And what if she wasn't hot?

What if Lori Linstruth was male? Honestly, I wouldn't bat an eyelid.

Now, if Joe Bonamassa was a woman... FWAH!!!!

So, you see? Yes, it's important to be able to play. But the judging criteria would be biased. We will always judge the woman too critically to begin with, then when she plays a few good licks well, we'd drop our jaws, and go gaga... Especially if she's good looking.

If a guy played well, it'll be EXPECTED. Otherwise, he'd be booed off the stage.

Here's Orianthi for you guys:
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interesting. which goes to say, the general public does perceive lower standards for females!

Not really. There are HIGHER entry level standard, but lower exceptional level standards. If a girl can play a bit, it'll be thought of as cool. Regardless of how she looks, but orobably won't be taken seriously. If she absolutely kills, then you'ld find tha guys might start to pay more attention, and possibly get more critical. But you'll find all of this reduced much more if she's hot.

Until you find a woman threatening a man's balls, he'll give her slack. But once those threats come in, you'll see him crying foul.
i guess because not many female play the guitar/drums/bass or any other instruments that guys have a greater passion for that matter, we tend to exalt them because it's not something you see everyday
Reason why some of my girl friends don't like playing musical instruments, they say
- Too difficult.
- The guitar will make their fingers hard and it hurts.
- Drumming is so unfeminine. (FTW)
- Waste money. (Another FTW!)
And lots of other reasons which kinda make my blood boil. And the more I type, the more my blood will boil.

Maybe that explains why i don't have many girl friends. I'm scared man. LOL

For me, I think playing music is way more cooler those manicures. That is then a waste of money and time.

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