The easiest way to clean the dust below the strings?


New member
Hey guys , i got this problem everytime since i got the guitar . How to clean the dust on the pickups , fretboard and the head ? I really hate this . I everytime had to loosens the string and clean them .

My friend told me thats dangerous coz if i keep detune and retuning, it will destroy my neck . so how do i clean it ???:)
I don't know dude.
Cos I think my fingers are small enough to fit in those small areas and wipe with a cloth. Hahaha.

What my friends did was they use a small stick and wrap it with cloth and just reach out to the hard to reach areas.
your neck wouldn't get destroyed la, that is an exaggeration :). it would lead to some problems in due time though.

you could use a very fine hair-ed brush to brush the dust off.
Hey the alesana girl again hahaha . Ur finger cn fit ah? so small?
haha . ok i just used a paintbrush . it works .

Thanks for ur help !!
Yeah me again. LOL

Anyway, I can't really use a paintbrush. I will sneeze my nose out if the dust gets to my nose.
Just use those multi-purpose dusters, can buy from Daiso for $2.

Or those fancy keyboard cleaners also can, but essentially, it's the same thing.
Think Action City or Mini-Toons sold some kinda goo that was a keyboard cleaner. Used that, it works!

But after that need to oil the strings if not later scared kena rust
I use my vacuum cleaner. Simple ^^

Detuning won't destroy your guitar's neck unless the wood isn't very solid, or that your truss rod is poorly made... I enjoy yanking my tremolo bar. And nope no sign of deformation on my guitar's neck ha
^ Good idea. Did you use the small, for-car-type, or the big one meant for house usage? Think i've seen one meant for laptops, that's powered via USB. Might give that a try.

But dust isn't much of a prob for me, cos i stow them away in their respective bags/cases after play.
lol... I use a 1000 watt vacuum meant for normal vacuuming around the house... If you have one then you should use it instead of a vacuum for laptops and keyboards... those definitely have less power than a vacuum for floor
Glad this thread came up, it's a problem I'm facing too, and I've got big hands despite my short height. I used to do body cleaning every time I re-strung my guitar, since I can pretty much clean the entire guitar once all the strings are off.

There is an immediate effect of detuning and retuning regularly though. Your strings will break much more easily. It can also cause your neck to warp temporarily, but the truss rod should correct it without help.
Serious? i want to buy ! so cool siaa .

Yeah, confirmed there is. Saw it at Challenger today. Costs around $8 or $9, meant for vacuuming dust from under laptop keyboards. Powered via USB. Not sure how strong it is though, but i guess strong enough to remove dirt from under fretboards.

But seems troublesome for this purpose 'cos you're gonna need to be near a computer or some device (Xbox 360, PC,) that can power USB stuff. And, the cable provided is kinda short anyways, since it's meant for you to just "plug and suck". The dirt from under the laptop keyboard that is.

Which brings me to think, what if an electric guitar had a USB slot? 8)
a guitar with USB slot? gosh no... electronic guitars must not be allowed to exist... FOR THE BLUE AND PRISTINE SKIES!!! (lol "blue cosmos")

Of course the neck will bend (its normal, I won't call that warp) due to your truss rod when you dive bomb, but dun worry about it if your guitar is well built and meant to support a tremolo bridge

and sorry but I have not broken a single string so far... even though I use the whammy many times almost everyday... I use 0.10 gauge. 0.09 and below are well known to break easily with whammy abuse though..
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