The best thing that have ever happened to you in 2008


New member
2008 is gone
2009 is here
let's look back at 2008 & share the best things that have ever happened to fellow SOFTies.
for me
it would be,
forming my BAND
& of course
joining SOFT!

Happy 2009!
Got a couple.hmmm.

being able to participate in a team where chinese have dominated (dragon boat)woohoo!
trip to Beijing,experience winter.
more but i'll be a little discrete.
taking guitar playing seriously! i only started getting all my gear PROPERLY and doing research in june 08. hard to believe but before that i was an any-o-how player. and thanks to soft, i am officially anal abt my tone. thanks..

and thanks to soft i've mad a lot of good friends. best thing soft has done for me.

as for outside of music, lazy to share.. since soft is a music forum afterall.. ahahha :mrgreen:
AWWW, so sad.

2008 has been a great year for me.
the same goes for all the previous years.

the best thing that happened to me?
being able to study music,
so that i can appreciate it even more.

best things:
1) joined soft, and in turn met some friends
2) got the band going
3) erm, gotten more "serious" musically by reading up on the theories.. still lazy to do so though :p

..last year...

haha. i haven't gotten used to that its now 2009.
yup... everyday is the same thing... but wat i like is the different things/people/lifestyles/attitudes etc everyday.

tats wat life is all abt for me :)
I made the most awesome friends in masscomm ^^
And I bought some gears for geetar.
And having the best 18th birthday ever ; )
nothing at all!!!

All of the stars, are fading away,
try not to worry you'll see them someday.:D

the best thing about 2008 is getting more and more interested into local underground bands cus hell man, they're are fantastically fatatatiscos amazing.
besides that, progressing as a band.cheers.
rock n roll!
That would have to be me organising the SOFT Jam at 4tones. Not bad, got to meet a lot of softies, had a cool jam and tat day happened to be my birthday, so after the jam, those dudes gave me an unexpected creaming on sundae pies...haha...I shall never forget that :)

well, i guess everyone have their fair share of ups and down.
i have a couple.

my trip to china and also singapore's evolving music's scene(AWESOME!!)

most importantly, seeing LIVERPOOL TOP THE BPL!! hahaha.
The Jan to Nov 2008 was great, even though it was my final exam year (IB) and I had to cram a lot in order to do reasonably well.

December sucked so hard. The worst month of my life so far. Enlistment into the army. I spent December in tekong, without my guitar. I haven't properly played in months due to my exams. And when I book out, I'm usually too tired/sian to play.