The Bassist's Effects Line Up

superkicky said:
let me know how the super comp is!

it's either that or one of goose's magical creations :p

i tried the dyna comp at swee lee before .. it's true bypass! ... =) ... very smooth compression ... it gets a little heavy on when you blast to full but at unity level it's a very nice .. .soft compression.

the dyna comp has that extra attack level that allows you to dial in the amount of attack you want .. i think that may work better for me because i hate it when my tone gets squashed and you don't have dynamics in your playing .. so yeah ... haven't ordered yet but going to soon from Music123

with the Gator Pedal Tote ... btw .. anyone has it? Does it have a strap cos i can't see from the pictures they provide. Dowan to keep hand carrying around ... can be quite annoying ...
aye exin, i use the dynacomp as well.. quite a big part of my rig these days. i play it before my mxr m-80 and that's it (yeah, my board's gotten smaller.)

apart from it being a great colour in a small box.. haha, i do agree it gives a rather clean compression, i set my output level at 2 o'clock to match my bass's output and the sensitivity level to about 9 or 10 o'clock..

it's a light compression that i use on my J-bass to give it abit of compression that gives it a bit of 'clack' when i go fingerstyle or use a pick, especially when i add the EQ of my M-80.

i just find that when i use it with my J, even with a slight compression that it changes the nature of a passive bass. i dunno if it adds a bit of colour, or if that's just the nature of the compression.. but i think a lot of it is due to my bass in dire need of a set up. heh~
exin said:
litford: so is it a good or bad thing?
bass needing a setup? haha.. pretty much a bad thing.

as for that change in tone.. it's good because i know it usually comes out through the FOH much clearer, and the soundman in my church likes to work with the signal i give him from the DI. i think it makes my bass sound more modern than it should, which is good for the sort of contemporary style that i play, plus also when i do band stuff, more alternative stuff..

but i suppose as a personal preference, it's not scoring me any points in the jaco/jameson tone department. but i think those things are reliant on strings and amp choices as well. i play thru a 1x12" in church, and its bad. but when i play my 2x10" nemesis at home, it's pretty sweet.. but everything's direct to via the M-80 in church, and i'm lazy to lug my nemesis to church as well.. couldn't be stuffed..

cut a long story short: i think it's more a good thing, i definitely got more out of a dynacomp than i hoped for -)
ahkiatt said:
mxr-m80 vs sansamp bddi... which do yall prefer...

m-80's cheaper. i know there are folk that don't like the distortion on the m-80, but i like it cuz it cuts through and you don't lose bottem end. then again, i haven't had the oppurtunity to use it in a band setting yet. it's a nice DI box, simple EQ and good colour (if that's your taste) to give you bass a modern edge. if not, don't use the EQ or the colour, and you've got a pretty colourless DI as well.. but slight EQ is wonderful for me, it solves alot of problems too.. now i just keep everything on the amp flat and EQ with my DI, gives me the sound i want (or close to it) so that i can concentrate on my playing.
litford: i'm sure the super comp will work well also since it's based on the same circuitry as the DynaComp.

I'm just waiting for the proper time to get it .... hahaha
superkicky said:
tim_1002 said:
hey superkicky, what happened to your sparkle drive? i'm looking for a light od pedal which retains lows and sounds like tubes overdriven. sparkle drive looks to be the solution compared to a bassdriver. what's your opinion having owned both?

Uh.. it's with Field of Caracal right now. It's a good pedal, just that I found something better :) If you don't mind spending a bit extra, find a used Boss BD-2 and send it to Randolf for modding. The whole deal shouldn't cost more than $200 to find and mod the pedal.

Of course, your best course of action is to sit down and try both, and see which suits you best...
yeah i know... but i don't think that'd be quite possible unless u'd let me run my bass through your board man hah. swee lee doesn't have the sparkle drive in stock and the blues driver unmodded won't seal the deal. anyway would you consider selling the sparkle drive or u sold it to field?
tim_1002 said:
yeah i know... but i don't think that'd be quite possible unless u'd let me run my bass through your board man hah. swee lee doesn't have the sparkle drive in stock and the blues driver unmodded won't seal the deal. anyway would you consider selling the sparkle drive or u sold it to field?

It's not sold and it wasn't mine to begin with... it's more of an "on permanent loan" circle kind of thing we have going on with another friend as well :/ You can get one on eBay though... if you score it cheap enough I guess you can sell it anyway.

BTW Exin: Photobucket lets you resize photos on the fly!
hur hur ... i just ordered a super comp and a gator pedal tote from zZounds ... Josh, will let you know how's the super comp when it comes in ... sadly they didn't have the Ibanez DE7 in stock then .. maybe i'll wait for the swee lee sale then get it with the SB7 ...
JiveB said:
hows the shipping damage from zzounds?

it's free shipping!!!! in the US though .. =) .. i'm using vPOST which will be cheaper compared to Music123 ... sick man .. the shipping from Music123 to singapore can really own you ...

for one 70USD pedal they charge me 36USD to ship it to singapore... bah ...

zZsounds don't ship overseas .. but they do accept overseas credit/debit card .. so i used that to ship to vPOST ...
JiveB said:
Oh, so what does Vpost charge?

depends on the kind of stuff you are shipping. If it's like CDs or Books they have a standard charge for it .. check out their website ... ...

if there are other items not under their standard items .. they charge by volumetric size and weight ...

that time i shipped my EBS Octabass into Singapore it cost me 15SGD for shipping? ... reasonable lah ... considering the fact that Musician's Friend stuffed the EBS Pedal into a larger box for protection ...
you know .. next time i'd count it dangerous to walk into music stores that are having sale ... you won't know what you'll walk out with ... like how i did when i went to City Music ... and got this ... RT-223/IMG_0045.jpg RT-223/IMG_0035.jpg

and bought some stuff at Swee Lee like this ...

man ... ultimate GAS ... can check out my photobucket album for more of the RT-233 photos .. =)
the egg is a minature bomb that'll create gas when i go rob your house of your basses .. hahaha .. the egg beater is to knock you silly while i'm stealing your basses .. i'm coming for you kinho!!! ... just kidding ..

no lah .. the egg is a shaker ... mini one .. they had a few .. one in black .. one in white and the other coloured .. i was quite sensitive to the sound so i realised the coloured ones are a little brighter compared to the black and white one ... i bought it for use for a school project recording .. =) .. acoustic set ..

the egg beater is a mini tambourine .. same purpose as the egg .. =) .. also for recording .. beats carrying a full sized tambourine around .. =)

i'm having lots of fun with the ZOOM RT-223 ... very easy to use .. =)