oh no, the MIA/MIM/MIJ debate again...
the cheapest fender you can find will be the lowest-range model you can find at swee lee. which will be a mexican.
but if it really is 800-odd, you would be better off getting a cheap MIJ. because MIJs are not 'deliberately inferior' to MIAs, the way MIMs are. let me explain this:
Fender is Fender. fender cannot afford to manufacture low end models, which have a lower profit margin per unit, in USA where operation costs are higher. so they make their lower end models in mexico where it is cheaper. higher end models can be made in USA because they have a higher profit margin per item. so where entry level basses are concerned, you
will be looking, not FOR a MIM, but AT a MIM.
Fender Japan is a seperate entity. They make their own models, built to their own specs. the bass itself is built differently. many people don't realise that the japanese market has a strong preference for imported guitars, hence domestic guitars are competitively priced. despite this, the japanese people STILL pay premiums for their imported goods. this is the main reason why there are sale restrictions; you have to buy a MIJ from a dealer outside japan. dealers in japan are not allowed to sell to customers outside japan.
i don't see anything wrong with getting an entry level fender. it is impossible to make parallel comparisons between brands in terms of feel/price. that is subject to both the brand and the preference of the user. the closest, i would imagine, would be between fender & squire. there will be certain characteristics that are, no matter how minute, unique to fenders and fenders alone. other brands do not attempt to replicate this (or maybe ibanez did :mrgreen

. that is why you can give a man the 'best' fender there is and he could still not like it.