jbarker: where did you get the knobs on the silver pbass from?
It is.. I bought it as a backup so I wouldn't need to look around for spare basses like that last time at youth park Also this is so I have a pbass at all times when the other is in the shop getting worked on. Going to upgrade the tone cap and change the pots because they feel a bit stiff, but that's about it.
Just came back from Tokyo. Went to Ishibashi and brought something back. Forgot to rotate before uploading :\
Pardon the quality. My camera sucks and i had to reduce it cause i was on 1GB for a week. :\
Just came back from Tokyo. Went to Ishibashi and brought something back. Forgot to rotate before uploading :\
Pardon the quality. My camera sucks and i had to reduce it cause i was on 1GB for a week. :\